Friday, December 31, 2010

Bladder Polyps Removal



7 to January 11, 2011.
The fourth friendly. C / Santa Maria, n º 15. Madrid.
from 10.30 to 14 h from 17 to 20.30 h. Closed Monday mornings, Saturday afternoons and public holidays.

II The Fourth Festival of Video Art Sympathetic is dedicated almost exclusively to the selection of videos shown at the Sixth Exhibition of Contemporary Art Arevalo (held in 2010), organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the town of Avila, which, although modest, is now emerging as the only annual contemporary art fair which can be viewed in the Castile and Leon.

Among the works collected there are various themes and different ways of dealing with the act of creating moving images, though, dominates the video and document ephemeral actions.

For the work of Arturo Ledesma , the image is unedited, raw, almost as much as the theme of their performances. In them it is customary to use your own body as a support and multiple receiver grievances as a means to express the irrational in the modern world. Following the breach created by Chris Burden, in 1971, when he was shot in a performance voluntarily, Arturo Ledesma in videoacción "Ego sum lux mundi II" (I am the Light of the World II) which is exposed to sew the eyelids, something attached to your clothing, similar to that of the Ku Klux Klan, refers to the blindness that produce ideologies when carried to extremes.

the same artist, but this time with the performer and sculptor also Maria Jose Tobal , is shown a video of the performance by both the opening of the sixth edition of the Contemporary Art Fair Arévalo. Again this is raw footage, which show the artists dressed as if they were nineteenth-century character, he sat in a chair in a certain presence, her feet and back. Begins to play music and, as it goes in crescendo , the artist began to kiss his head shaved, marked by red lipstick.

Another artistic partnership formed in this case Michiko Totoki and Juan Vidal also rescued an action in which blend in equal parts performance and land art. The artist from Japan also uses his own body as an artistic medium and makes it interact with the space and the natural environment, becoming a bridge of organic and ephemeral.

Following the share register through the video, in the work of Pilar Alvarez, "First song" you can see the author's own twelve times while thanks to technology splitscreen (split screen), playing with the battery the same song in different trials. This time, it is remarkable that the movie was released, which together with the effects used and the musical theme, which refers to the development of music, country is and has been fertile for experimentation as exemplified by the authors audiovisual Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry. The influence is palpable in the video work of Andy Warhol, as both share a taste for voyeurism.

For his part, Castro Belin format uses video to document the dismantling of one of his works in a group exhibition in 2002 at the church of San Millan de Medina de Pomar, Burgos, which shows, in the words of the artist as "a metaphor about my personal life in the sense of anticipation and planning their lives and over time end up falling apart. "

Finally, the work of three video artists whose pieces denote a remarkable degree of technical refinement and improved use of resources offered by technology.

Maria Castellanos in "Memoria_" plays with a kind of meta, as it uses moving images to speak of languages \u200b\u200bsuch as photography (and by extension the video itself) that serve to capture and store audio-visual information and graphic approximately the same functions as memory is in the human body. The same artist also presents "Transit", which also uses the splitscreen , although in this case are numerous, not just the images (of different footage of accidents that can be found in urban soil as sewers and drains) but also background sounds of different video sequences.

Vicent Gisbert also involved with two works, with many points in common. For starters, both have resorted to black and white aesthetic, and we can say that, although in principle these works have a more traditional narrative structure than most other videos, also causes a feeling of ambiguity and uneasiness. The first story "AU", shows a male character who rises from the bed, gets dressed and makes what appears to be their daily lives, which are none other than up to the roof of the building where he lives and begin a dance , perhaps it may seem more characteristic of a shamanistic ritual in the bowels of the jungle of our world. The other piece, "Against", puts us in a lot filled with stone and sand, near the sea assume the appearance of a lighthouse, on which dance the same dancer-like movements (thanks to the credit discover that it is the artist himself).

Finally, Sergio Sotomayor works with only two pieces of the shows made exclusively by means of digital animation, which does not prevent you from getting a realistic, especially the piece entitled "Wood." In it, the artist takes us into an artificial construction of wood, like a country house with large halls and large, every step we met some enigmatic tentacles or snakes of similar texture to walls and ceilings that do not move, but that haunt us every time. The audio portion is formed by the sounds of saws cutting wood and sanding work, which emphasizes the feeling of oppression. The video "Quantum" is a composition that stands out for its delicacy, showing a female figure all white, looking like a mannequin come to life and makes sinuous movements in slow motion and, at intervals, is literally cut by the projection plane , appearing and disappearing from it.

the Festival can also enjoy the works of other artists who have participated in the fair in previous years, as Guillermo Menéndez de Llano or Nacho Ramirez or not, Omar A. Bosco Jerez.

exhibition curators to

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bmx Stunt Bikes For Less Than £150

Fantasiestücke, Op 73 Robert Schumann

A happy 2011 with all the friends, loved ones and casual visitors who pass through this blog . Very soon, within a couple of weeks, maybe a little earlier, I hope you see the website and magazine Art Experience: NYC , devoted entirely to contemporary art in New York City and for which I worked very hard over the last two or three months. So far I have news, is the first publication entirely devoted to the New Yorker art scene that can be read in English (in addition to the English version.) In early January hang the cover of the first number by the designer and good friend Angel Hernandez, whose work was simply essential for all pregnant the project.

these days I can not head off the issue of Fantasiestücke, Op 73 by Robert Schumann. I wanted to share here with my best wishes for the coming year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Does The Average Size 12/14 Womens Weigh

year end and is good to review all that the Lord has given himself over to thank him.
If we had always before our eyes cluster of goods that the Lord has given us, we would spend a lifetime grateful.
has given us supernatural life, making us in His image and likeness. Became man to save us and give us an example of life. Gives us sanctifying grace, which allows us children of God. Every day we receive the Holy Eucharist, we must also acknowledge what we contrary, that there is also maninifiesta divine goodness, and would be an endless list of material things that gives us every day.

of well-born is to be grateful. Human virtue, also have to flaunt it for the good we do for others. There is internal quality

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bmx Bikes Under 30 Pounds

Happy, holy and happy Christmas

How fortunate we are Christians, that every Christmas, God our Lord gives us the possibility of starting from brand new life again, despite the failures and falls, resentment and envy.
El Niño gives us the warmth of his hand. Few people can refuse a child's hand when extended as a sign of friendship.
is time to be happy, so we celebrate, it's time to be united, without sectarianism, that everyone celebrates Christmas according to their way of thinking, but without forgetting that Christmas is like Jesus who wants the best for all men to be the color they are, are of the mindset that is, came to earth to help all, that for all ! VERY HAPPY EASTER AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

First Lesbien Experience For My Wife

Be vigilant

thinking this morning about the holidays approaching, I saw that we must be vigilant against the enemies of God, but also against complicity to offer our evil inclinations, "Watch and pray so as not to be tempted by that while the spirit is Suddenly, the flesh is weak ", says the gospel.
reread the words of St. Josemaria, that our vigilance must be in the little things each day:
" This supernatural way forward is a real military tactics-Hold the war, the daily struggles of your inner life-in positions, which places far from the main walls of your fortress. The enemy comes
her, your little mortification, to your daily prayer, your work organized according to your plan of life and it is difficult to get close to the towers to lean to the assault of your castle and if it .- does not effectively. "
And if we ever overcome the enemy, we have the answer that Jesus gave us their coming to earth, repent and confess.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Vegeta And Bulma Hentei

Atavism Award and thanks

Militos, with characteristic generosity that has made this award on my blog.
I receive it with joy to come of it, which is a model of consistency with the eight blog that keeps up to date and that both help us all, and also for the purpose for which this award has been created. Miltos Thanks for remembering this blog and fill the requirements: Be Consolation
young missionary blog has the honor of opening the award "speaks to the heart of my people 2010" in connection with the celebration of the Christmas Party, to enter fully into the logic of faith: belief in God, in His plan of salvation, while engaging in the construction of his Kingdom.
justice and peace are in fact a gift from God, but require men and women who are "good land", ready to receive the good seed of His Word.


"THE LORD SPEAKS TO THE HEART OF HIS PEOPLE" `ón-de http://sedconsolación.blogs

share this award with the following blog:
Angelo Alejandro Kreiner

Juliana Gomes Rafael Cordero

Praying with the word

Congratulations to all and to share this award

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jprofiler Use In Tomcat Web Application


Often the mass media, present the information according to their editorial line or commercial or ideological interests. To which will favor one or the other gives it a prominent space, and what they hide is against, distort or silent.
This attitude is what causes the journalistic atavism, which is to find data that support the thesis one stands at any cost, rather than developing objective view from the actual data.
We look forward to receiving information that conforms to the truth, to eliminate rigged holders that serve only to misinform.
May we live in a country that knows the truth that everyone can choose according to think without being deceived and led to sectarianism and materialism prevailed.
As we remember and long for the heroines whose names are below.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Iphone Cover Fox Racing


OF meet these days is the anniversary of my blog cuartoa "A man", 48 months, 102,864 entries, 133,996 pages read, here's all the love and affection that I have dedicated, not if you know much match generosity, I thank so many friends that I have visited and commented on my posts your encouragement and understanding.
Coincidentally this anniversary coincides with the beginning of Advent, a word that perhaps for many today means nothing. To understand it seems to think that the joy we receive when we announce that a very dear will soon come to our house, with the Advent us the announcement of a wonderful reality that Jesus is about the lives of men as our Savior. Let everyone live
this arrival with great anticipation and joy, considering what is coming.
Let's live the true Advent, who comes from inside the believing heart of man, and especially the depth of God's love.
With this love I embrace you all my friends from the five continents, have followed me during these four years, and I ask you sigais remembering this humble blog.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Interesting Facts About Tay-sachs


The lack of familiarity with an artist in contemporary societies is not necessarily to do with censorship, rather functions as a spring that provides the institutional consecration. The poor recognition of a creator is usually the case when it comes to personalities who ignores trends art istics dominant. Or when you simply have neither the interest nor the social skills they often demand an adequate insertion in the art market. Unfortunately, contemporary artists have to invest much of their time on marketing efforts for which are not always trained, networking, partnerships and concessions, to strategize and lead to scandals that captivate achieve market representatives and cultural centers.

Cuban painter Luis Trápaga is one of those figures whose work has remained in the shadows for a little over two decades. His works have been exhibited infrequently and most of the time-Aglutinador Laboratory, the gallery that runs the creative alternative Sandra Ceballos. With all the limitations and the virtual character that has underground in Cuba, internet (through blogs, facebook and sites like YouTube) is offering opportunities to disseminate their work through other channels than the Cuban galleries and cultural centers. In the blog Habanero bewitchment, Leah Villares, I found this video entitled Kom text, made from a series of drawings of Trápaga.
In the video, very much in tune with the t heading for the series, im Agen slide as if you were flipping through a book. The preposition 'with' misspelled as 'Kom' points to two features of the drawings. The first is that the texts function as graphic elements, rather than written messages. The second is the visual violence. The bodies paths with vigorous contour lines, filled with colors visually intense, with traces of insects or birds with deformed body types, associated with incomprehensible texts or inconsistent, drawn on printed pages in the dark can be recognized scientific formulas, creating the effect of wedded life instantly, like a scream of pleasure or as a shock that makes this bearable. Trápaga manages to move the explosive sense of graffiti, usually associated with public art, to the pages of books and to the individual experience. sex scenes Kom have a powerful Text existential dimension, a stridency that makes contemporary even remember many of the grotesque figures that were in vogue during the second half of the sixties. Sex scenes linked to a sense of distress that may express, at a deeper level than many so-called critical art demonstrations, conflicts being experienced by Cuban society.

Text Kom is a criticism of this from a rather subjective, without incurring the political content that always carry the danger of sliding into the pamphlet and the obvious. It is also a celebration of sexual pleasure, exalted as a holiday enjoyment, uninhibited, orgiastic. In Kom Text, together with the cry, there's plenty of improvisation and humor, exaggeration comedy and farce.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Books That Will Have Immense Value In The Future

Thanks Caritas.

In the current moentos, the crisis is generating a high speed, new groups of homeless people sleeping on the street, increased overcrowding, many are forced to occupy empty houses, thousands without means to eat or dress ... etc.etc.
The social lanbor develops Caritas is very broad and diversified. Not only develops activities for the care, rehabilitation or social integration of victims of poverty and social exclusion, it marks the emphasis on advocacy and denunciation of the causes of the injustices that create these situations.
Caritas have to thank this great work, by relying on input thousands of anonymous donors who selflessly collaborating with those for humanitarian purposes.
let us encourage all to contribute to this noble and generous work of the Catholic Church, which is helping both susistir power to thousands.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lia Sophia Party Invitation

A Cesar incorruptible.

democratic society as Caesar wished to elect the best person, but not always possible.
what society tries to do is create a mechanism to get a Caesar who is without its own flaws: a corrupt society hopes to have a Caesar incorruptible, a society without character, Cesar full resolution. But no social mechanism can provide the virtues of society lacking misma.Porque where does the virtues are to come?, Not the mechanism of choice. The simple truth is that Caesar will be intellectually and morally similar to the society that has to rule, was to occur that could be the kind of ruling that the subject would be trained if the roles were changed.
The only way to achieve a good Caesar is to achieve a good society. Achieve a good society is a serious matter, is good men, who see reality as it is and strive to harmonize life with that vision.
deliver us not utopias, while companies like ours are never Caesars will have better than ourselves, more or less honest, more or less good, or mediocre and poor morale.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blue Intensifier Hair

Logo Text of the journal Art Experience: New York City self-criticism

Logo by designer Angel Hernandez for the magazine Art Experience: New York C ity , whose first issue will be out in early December, in a version in English and English.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aggressive Inline Skates Toronto

facilities Jennifer Dalton.

Following is the text, English to English, my work will appear shortly in the journal Art Press in the number of the fall of 2010.

self-critical facilities from Jennifer Dalton.

You can make a story of the facilities because it is an art form and provided with a legitimate tradition and continuity over time. The historian Michael Archer has been charged with the task and has traced the beginnings of the facility to at least the late nineteenth century. The term spread, notes critic Sven Lütticken Dutch art in the mid-seventies, that is, make thirty-five years and came to replace the concept of environment, which was the one used previously.

If at the time the facilities were practical alternative art in the contemporary world, and not infrequently, could be viewed as academic exercises that can cover all sorts of trivia. If the facilities are still perceived as new is due, at least in part, to the art institutions have established themselves as such. Accepting that a facility is a form of artistic expression essentially unconventional, is to assume a viewpoint in itself quite conventional and institutionalized. Is in many ways repeating the persuasive approach / tax with which the market attempts to sell art.

Could talk about a crisis of the facilities while still occupy a privileged space between the current artistic trends, even if they have lost much of its novelty? How could it be a criticism of the art market that leverages the inherent complexities and leakage current art to sell, sometimes at high prices, objects or rubbish outside the premises, one could certainly find any dump?

The young New York artist Jennifer Dalton has been proposed at least call attention to such questions. Facilities from the exhibit Making Sense, currently displayed in the Flag Foundation , Chelsea are the works self-reflexive and full of humor rowed against the institutions of contemporary art. In one piece, entitled How the artist looks like? , Dalton decided several rows of photographs of writers, visual artists, actors and dancers, among other celebrities like Paris Hilton (all photos were taken from the magazine The New Yorker ) . Apparently the images are organized following a transition from "genius" to "pinups" (which was the name that was given to the girls who appeared on calendars). But it is sometimes difficult to differentiate the "genius" of the "pinup", in a similar way as in the field of contemporary culture, as depicted in the mass media.

In What Are We Not Shutting Up About? (Why do not we shut your mouth?) Dalton includes statistics on how many people chatted with the known art critic Jerry Saltz through facebook . The graphics are handmade so bungled, and the data shown are entirely trivial. What could be the relevance of all this information? How many rumors, that may well be reserved for private space, poison the contemporary art scene? What might be, if indeed it exists, the margins between the intellectual work and entertainment? In the center of the room the viewer had the opportunity to make a bracelet with the inscription "it's not you, it's me" (not you, me). A sentence from which the art object itself seems to make self-criticism and hold the visitor of any possible guilt that may cause difficulty in recognizing certain values \u200b\u200bin contemporary art.

Jennifer Dalton uses its facilities to challenge the contemporary artistic production, market and art institutions. The gesture is somewhat twisted. Dalton makes a critique of main stream, producing facilities to be promoted as artistic images and personal stamp whose value consists precisely in making the market criticism, visual creations and art institutions. However, this approach self-referential humor and the artist proves that there is still room for the complexities and critical, even when there may be no way to avoid sinking into these vicious cycles in which contemporary art seems being bogged down.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lighter Fluid Substitute Charcoal

Art Experience: New York City

several weeks working on preparations for an art magazine. Its title is Art Experience New York City . Will be devoted to contemporary art. There are still many aspects to define how it will be the publication. For now, I am very grateful to the contribution of many people and friends who have shown interest in the project. Here I wanted to show the cover, made by designer Angel Hernández. In many ways, the work of Hernandez has become the soul of the magazine. For the cover, the Korean artist Sun K. Kwak, has been kind enough to provide the image of one of its facilities.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pneumonitis Pneumonie