Sunday, March 28, 2010

Does Duane Reade Sell Essie?



The sixth edition of the Contemporary Art Fair Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Arevalo opens its doors like every year at the Church of San Martín, Espacio Cultural Caja de Avila, 29 April to 21 May.

As a new, continuing the spread of Castilian-Leonese artists that characterizes him, the Fair will feature a parallel exhibition in the House of the Council of the City of Arevalo, where it will display a selection of works awarded the Young Artist Awards 2008, awarded by the Junta de Castilla y Leon through the Youth Institute of the Family and Equal Opportunities.


On this occasion will bring together 29 artists participating individually and representing 7 other galleries, both English and international, from Japan, Chile, Argentina, Peru France and Brazil.

To accommodate a greater number of artists and also offer lower prices to boost sales of the Fair, this year has included a new section to unframed works on paper (photography, printmaking, drawing, etc ...). It features the work of three artists from very different techniques, the black and white photography, with low contrast to highlight the incidence of light, from the series "Bright Light" by Brazilian Felipe Carnotta ; the oil on Valladolid role of Calderón Love, full of lyricism and sensuality based on the poetry of EE Cummings, and glazes of the Seville Satué Pepa, belonging to the set "Alma Nickel, inspired materials such as wool, to ballast as a metaphor for women simply by dragging are women. In other disciplines such as sculpture, Aquilino Ramos makes a similar criticism with his bronze, but from a historical perspective. Returning

works on paper and whether this new section, the Swing Gallery of Madrid, specializing in this type of work, brings us the work of two artists: the Chilean Pedro Núñez multidisciplinary work with bi and D and a particular vision of Eastern art of origami, and the present scholarship at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Amaya Bowler with the composition "Urbi et Orbi", made specifically for the fair, which is ten sms's drawings on handmade paper placed in a cross, reflecting the conflict between technology and manual or craft, one of them, the principal, is blessed by Pope Benedict XVI.

between technology and craft is also the work of the Salamanca M ª Reina Salas Alonso , which complements the etching with digital printing, which results in subtle strokes that resemble the pattern formed by the water currents . With a stronger line Jesus Alonso shocked faces drawn with pain and visually impaired at a level similar to anamorphosis. Also shows the human face, albeit very different in the work of the Madrid Lucia Zapata , this is captured in the urban collages that have become the walls of our cities. Referring to these, Enric Bardera conducts its "architecture of shadows", which aims to show the influence of tree roots and branches, building on the foundation and architecture of the buildings. Similarly, the work of Alberto Martinez Centenera referred to them, although in this case in a more ironic, with bird houses, as the work done in acrylic "Casa transparent. Model Big Brother. " Also the city and its buildings, built in model size with the waste materials it produces, is the basis of photographs of lions Román Sebastián Lobato . These materials are also present in the work of Pilar Labajo , adding to its pictorial compositions in many cases giving them three dimensional.

The Peruvian sculpture Erick Miraval, likewise, uses recycled materials, wood in this case, the same used by the French Valérie Prot in the making of "My first skate" to question the relationship between man and material production. Luis Arroyo melon, appropriate for such production to create his sculptures, which questions the militarism and belligerence of the powerful countries. Also in a very critical Ausín Victor Sainz with his installation "Meat fashion" is "a reflection on our fragile existence" in the words of the author, through a complex scenery. Also the theater scene also plays an important role in the work of the canary Ro.Ro (Roberto Rguez) , playing with your clone image in different attitudes and places.

This idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist and model matching is also present in several of the videos on display: from Pilar Alvarez, which shows the first twelve times the artist plays the drums and played his first song, continuing Castro Belin, which we removed his work in the exhibition " loose and be released "Vicent Gisbert , which uses contemporary dance to make a review of the issues that concern you, until you reach the work that brings Research and Art of Michiko Totoki and Juanma Vidal , which first undergoes a metamorphosis to become a bridge, her overarching land art, video art and performance.
This space is also represented by the work of Argentine Federico Antelo Granero , in this case geometric paintings is beyond the limits of the two-dimensionality. Within this artistic can also encompass painting Lola Berenguer Almeria, in which he mixes disparate techniques such as acrylic and pastel. In abstraction, in this case more organic, is the work of Paco Sanchidrián , which also uses different materials such as pigments, varnishes and other products to achieve a wide range of effects and textures. The also Avila Verónica Blázquez Tiemblo introduced in their abstract compositions almost unreadable literary elements that extend the nuances of the work. The word is also used by Carlos Molyneaux , creating ways playing with several languages, sculpture, drawing and literature.

Vaquero Victor Hugo Gutierrez also mix different languages \u200b\u200b(painting, photography ...) in the form of light boxes with very plastic. The luminous element reappears in the work of Mediavilla July, we referred to the new dogma that society has created that we can not see beyond.

Changing discipline and closing the list of video artists, we find the work of Sergio Sotomayor Murcia, with its dreamlike 3D computer animation, and the Gijon Maria Castellanos Vicente , if anything more poetic than the previous that talks about memory emphasizing that our identity is constructed from memories. They are part of the work of Juan Gil , one of artists who come together for Area 36 de Zamora, who relives the past through the objects of his compositions hyper. The work of the other representative of this gallery, Ana Zaragoza , is caught between figuration and abstraction, being among their referents aesthetic Monet and traditional Asian painting.

To conclude this review by the artists of the Fair, we have Arturo Ledesma and his disturbing installation called "HSC (human spontaneous combustion), this artist also give us a live performance on April 30 during the opening ceremony, along with Maria Jose Tobal a "tête à tête."


regard to the prestigious "Young Artist Awards: Young Artists in Castilla y León" the Junta de Castilla y Leon brings an exhibition, which has been seen in Brussels last year, with the work of 8 of the winners in the categories of visual and plastic arts and literature. In the first of them is Juan Antonio Gil Segovia , first prize for painting, Javier Martínez Arbizu, second prize for painting, Albano López Hernández, first prize for drawing, and Román Sebastián Lobato (which incidentally exhibits at the Fair), first prize for photography. In literature we have the following winners: Alejandro Alonso Antoraz , first prize for comic Miguel Martínez Lage , runners-up comic, Raúl Rodríguez Allén , first prize for illustration and Mónica Muñoz Hernández, second prize for illustration.

Contemporary Art Fair of Arevalo in recent editions has been growing both in number of artists and exhibitors and the quality thereof, in addition to being one of only two contemporary art fairs are in Castile and lion and, apparently, the only annual basis there now.

Clara Isabel Arribas Cerezo
co-curator of the Fair


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