Thursday, February 17, 2011

Letter Welcome Visitors Church

White Dwarf # 1 (Spanish Edition) Blood Bowl Amazon

Between the months of November and December of 1993 started off the English version of the magazine White Dwarf. Originally published by Jaime Molina, Felipe Ubeda and Jordi Ferrer, the latter remained in the magazine in various roles until the number 159, the latter being a translator. This first issue was a collection of articles from recent issues of the English edition. In total consisted of 64 pages (the English edition of this momentotenĂ­a 80 pages in the number 167). A number that took little disappear. As I said at the time a total of 1000 copies were made of the first issue and was something that was already beginning to emerge in Spain.

The contents of the first issue was: News and announcements, with the announcement of the first store in Barcelona Spain GW. Warhammer
, article by Rick Priestley about the world of Warhammer.
How to play Warhammer, an introduction to the game. Guide miniatures painting, basic techniques, narrated by Mike McVey.

Space Hulk: escudra control, Richand article Halliwell and Paul Murphy with new weapons, missions and rules for this game.
'Eavy Metal-High Elves and Goblins, photos of the figures of the new high elves and goblins painted by the team of' Eavy Metal.
  • modelistmo Workshop, Adrian Wild cutout building.
  • Gotrex and Felix, the first appearance of this unique couple.
  • The first seven numbers were a glossy finish on the cover (satin in the past) and had to present materials from eighth.
  • The bimonthly magazine that originally, from number 19 November 1996 became monthly.
  • Approximately
to number 149 the editor was English. From that moment there is a new English editor Mark Latham and what they called the White Dwarf Studio Team. Des for a few months ago that the style of the magazine had already changed radically. These changes may well be due to cuts to increase profits. It is cheaper to pay a single publisher in the world to 7 or 8 regional.

And so, after more than 17 years, we arrive at number 190.

I have them all are two shelves of the library.


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