Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Books That Will Have Immense Value In The Future

Thanks Caritas.

In the current moentos, the crisis is generating a high speed, new groups of homeless people sleeping on the street, increased overcrowding, many are forced to occupy empty houses, thousands without means to eat or dress ... etc.etc.
The social lanbor develops Caritas is very broad and diversified. Not only develops activities for the care, rehabilitation or social integration of victims of poverty and social exclusion, it marks the emphasis on advocacy and denunciation of the causes of the injustices that create these situations.
Caritas have to thank this great work, by relying on input thousands of anonymous donors who selflessly collaborating with those for humanitarian purposes.
let us encourage all to contribute to this noble and generous work of the Catholic Church, which is helping both susistir power to thousands.


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