Thursday, December 16, 2010

First Lesbien Experience For My Wife

Be vigilant

thinking this morning about the holidays approaching, I saw that we must be vigilant against the enemies of God, but also against complicity to offer our evil inclinations, "Watch and pray so as not to be tempted by that while the spirit is Suddenly, the flesh is weak ", says the gospel.
reread the words of St. Josemaria, that our vigilance must be in the little things each day:
" This supernatural way forward is a real military tactics-Hold the war, the daily struggles of your inner life-in positions, which places far from the main walls of your fortress. The enemy comes
her, your little mortification, to your daily prayer, your work organized according to your plan of life and it is difficult to get close to the towers to lean to the assault of your castle and if it .- does not effectively. "
And if we ever overcome the enemy, we have the answer that Jesus gave us their coming to earth, repent and confess.


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