Monday, January 31, 2011

Romantic Business Slogans

Aura Women

text fragment Paintings such as acts of defiance first published in Art Experience: NYC (English .) Vol 1, No. 1, Winter 2011, pp. 20-27. To read the full test will , where the magazine can be viewed and downloaded for free. The image of The Women of Franklin Street was cut IA Gagosian Gallery.

Women of Franklin Street

By Ernesto Menendez-Conde

has often said that John Currin is a provocative artist because their lack of politically correct language, his perspective from the "male gaze", his scenes that border on the pornographic and tasteless questionable when paintings combine references to the past with references to American illustration and kitschy images drawn from trade journals. There is no doubt that all these features are still controversial, but not limited Currin painting these appearances is a rather misleading approach.
In a painting like The Women of Franklin Street (Women of Franklin Street), for example, the sexual content of representation is quite explicit. At first glance, the figures of three young half-naked, practicing a menage a trois tends to satisfy the male gaze and portray women as sex objects. However, Currin added a macabre effect. The woman in the center of the composition of a bizarrely smiles. Expression is rigid as if his face was that of a lifeless doll, grotesquely stuck on a human body. This humorous twist damaged or ridicules the male gaze precisely because it exaggerates the nature of the objectified female body. It also maintains an ambivalent position towards many feminist discourses. But beyond the fun of the seriousness of the moral and gender policies, technical skills the artist subverts the scene content. The Women of Franklin Street is not an attempt to make a soft porn image , but on the contrary, an effort to make a pornographic in a good painting.

In The Women of Franklin Street details that seem peripheral surface and become relevant precisely because they are cleverly painted. Lip of a sleeveless dress, red bra Venice, the folds of the cloth or brush strokes of a gold cameo that looks one of the characters. Beyond its explicit sexual content, The Women of Franklin Street is on the enjoyment of these (among many others) details "well painted." This seems difficult virtuosity to encapsulate in a policy of gender. The political meaning of the picture is rather to produce a "good" painting in the contemporary art field.

John Currin has said that "at present make a good painting is a political act" (2006, 43). He returns to the historical tradition of European painting. His canvases are parodies of some iconographic motifs, positions and details from masterpieces of the past, but also further studies to resume their search approaches and techniques. [1] This generally speaking, had been largely neglected since the avant-garde movements of early twentieth century through participatory art installations today. In the contemporary art scene, despite the sporadic revivals of painting, from the second half of the seventies, explore traditional artistic techniques was often perceived as an obsolete way, exhausted or conservative to make art. This is a widespread prejudice.

The reaction against the historical painting as an artistic medium was a revolutionary practice in the early XX and even a few decades earlier. At that time the avant-garde movements opposed to realism, academia and classicism. The artists were interested in the value of the new and the goal of integrating art into life. However, in the current art scene, a return to the techniques of artists of the Renaissance, Mannerism and Baroque aesthetic choice is really sophisticated and unconventional. In contrast, many facilities, digitized images, videos and participatory art forms are nothing more than mere academic exercises.

In The Women of Franklin Street absurd performances abound, often hidden or hidden assumptions, apparently convincing copies of the natural. These inconsistencies can be seen as deliberate little jokes that suggest that the contents of the paint should not be taken seriously. I shall refer to some of these improbabilities (there are many others). The table and floor are captured from two different points of view and slightly contradictory (a nod to Cezanne and Cubism). Teacups and their corresponding dishes seem to be flying, as they are aligned just above with respect to the vessels found at her side and at the same time cast a shadow on the marble surface. A silver wig hides the clumsy way in which the head women's right to articulate his own body. Her hand rests on the central character's right shoulder, but even if not visible, arm movement is suggested in a cartoon. To some extent, these solutions lead to the enjoyment of humor to appreciate the painting as they perceive it is necessary to pay attention to detail. Through these visual jokes, Currin remains intentionally discredit the literal content, while emphasizing the relevance of the painted surface.

The Women of Franklin Street is full of allusions to historical painting. A scholarly references and sometimes difficult to recognize. See Currin's paintings from the tradition of art history is one of the most rewarding pleasures provided by their canvases. The title of the painting is a tribute to Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (which suject was a brothel located across the street Avinyó in Barcelona). Like Picasso's painting, there is a table at the bottom, ready curtains on both sides of the picture and one of the characters look directly at the viewer, as do women in Les Demoiselles d'Avignon . [2] The wooden bed and chromatic harmonies in the central character's skin could evoke the works of Boucher, while the floor reminded that can be found in the Dutch interior painting XVII century. In the upper right side, there is a transparent globe, obviously, could be associated with the lightness of the sexual scene, but with brisk strokes, Currin managed to represent space, projected into a spherical shape, which has the action is, as occurs in the mirrors of some Flemish and Dutch paintings.

[1] Commenting on The penitent , Currin wrote
I had wondered how it would use the same blue background and the figure with a transparent version of the other. Gerard David always used blue, one cold and one warm, to move in space and I thought I might try something similar ( ibid, 334)

[ 2] The range of red shades on Currin's painting is very similar to that used in the background Picasso of Les Demoiselles .

Yahoo Answers Hussyfan

Some people to justify their actions, even outside or against the moral law, resort to the trial of his conscience. "I am working according to my conscience," "I can not act against what my conscience tells me," "I answer my faith," are phrases that contain a partial truth. Admittedly, it should be to guide one's own conscience, because those who work against it is off the road. But do not forget that consciousness is the source of good and evil, its mission is not to create law, but to form a correct opinion on the application of standard concrete action.
should form the conscience under the moral standards that God has given us not forget that God's law is grounded not only in his will, but also in his wisdom, and otherwise hand, conscience is a reflection of the Divine Wisdom in the creature: conscience and law must work before opposed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Singapore Obesity Rate 2010

Franklin Street Art & Art Experience

wanted to share this link to an interview DDCuba and published under the title of art and bilingual , magazine about ArtExperience: NYC .

designer Angel Hernandez sends this image, playing with the title of the interview. Thank you very much.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Burning While Urinating When Have Period

Bilingual: NYC, Vol I, No. I, Winter 2011

I am pleased to announce the online the first issue of the journal Art Experience: NYC , in their editions English and English ñ ol. The publication can be viewed and downloaded for free on our website . The first issue has 102 pages and a dozen still in reviews on exhibitions underway or that took place between December and early January. Art Experience: NYC is, so far I have news, the first English-language magazine entirely devoted to the development of the visual arts in New York City.
Our purpose is to provide a vision, necessarily partial and incomplete, the city's art scene.
The appearance of the second issue is scheduled for mid April.

To view and download the free magazine, click to chemical :

Art Experience: NYC ( espa ñ ol )

This work would not have been possible without the contributions of the following persons:

Beatriz Menéndez-Conde
Emily Gerard
Angel Hernandez
Scott Switzer
Robert Seaman
Carmen Santamarina
Miguel Santamarina
Lester Garcia
July Aragon
Gabriela E. Lupulescu
Kallen Tsikalas
Paloma Duong
Marcos Canteli
Jacqueline Loss
Florencio Gelabert
Yasmina García
Jessica Gordon-Burroughs
Lissette Martínez-Herryman
Rafael Diaz-Casas
Mónica López
Raysa Clavijo
Sun K / Kwak

All my thanks for the friendship, collaboration and trust ng porvernir in this project.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

.kates Playground All Natural

Reading and effort

reading properly managed, is an effort of self-improvement. The reader will not get better equipped, with no real effort on their part, hold their attention twenty minutes followed in order to read when it is out of the busiest lanes of advertising or erotic, in other words, when attention have to go back on one's ability to capture and not simply be dropped by the decline of instinct, fashion, or the striking claim.
Plenty of ideas are present in our minds when we read. Many of them are logically the same directory ralacionadas subject of reading, but others are neither more nor less than stray ideas that we should set aside effort. Left to their simple drive would be able to carry us far from our courses, as hindrances to the old legends were doing with the boats they are penetrated by the ocean is still unknown. Reading is
effort, requires a discipline imposed by their asceticism of care. The comprobaciñon of this tax to be paid forced discourages many good readers in verjuice.
But such disappointment would ensue if leeer action we knew to appreciate, not that we require, but what we intend to achieve co her. The reading can be, if we take the proper course, the vehicle that leads us where we go.
Of the books we can learn, at least as much as in life. And that learning can be advantageous if care is taken to select books. The consultation
anticipates that books should and can be read, who can advise.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Fox Racing Otterbox For Iphone

Whip (Whip)

and provocative since its first exhibition held in Havana in early 1987, the Cuban painter Tomas Esson has developed an extensive collection of works. Obscene performances, visceral and scatological, often wielded against revolutionary symbols and icons.

designer Angel Hernandez has sent me this picture titled Whip (1995). A large canvas, with a zigzag phallic figure that emerges from a background of brilliantly painted gray. It is difficult to write about a work so expressive of exuberance and virtuosity unusual in contemporary art. An exceptional painting often becomes unnecessary or superfluous words. Better share the image here í , along with my admiration for Esson.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Watch Elvis The Movie Free On Line

A significant association

's so much passion I feel for the family that when I read a story about this issue as it is today, I can not resist publishing it on my blog.
A mother belonged to more than one association, which took him some time and effort. But behold, another woman came to propose that points to a new one. The mother decided to apologize:
I'm sorry but I have no time.
So busy are you?.
yes. Especially since I suppose in a partnership whose president is my husband and much of the work falls on me.
! Ah! And that association dedicated Achaeans?
will see a thousand things. Promotes Christian living, education of children and youth, food covers, health and education, also the diffusion of culture ...
What's his name? I had never heard of it and it looks very interesting. Sure
known: it is called the family.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Netopia Ter/gusb-n Driver


One issue to think and delve into it, is the high number of deaths that are occurring in traffic accidents in young people on gender violence in robberies, etc. etc.
If we stop to consider these circumstances, we see that most are anormañidades surrounded by young men who Vijan late in the morning after a night of debauchery, alcohol, drugs, sex. Paejas joined by a flurry of enthusiasm without further argument that gives the sex at that moment, without a solid foundation on which rests the true love between man and woman.
I think parents have the great duty and a great obligation to tidy up this mess, worry-training and preparing our children to deal with this partnership we are building the progressive turn.
We must give clear and sound ideas out of this spiral of grief and indifference that is being installed between us.
Parents can not remain insensitive to this situation, we have a responsibility gan and somehow we tell if we remain unmoved.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mondeo Mk3 External Temperature Sensor

children great joy. Consistency

Today Pope Benedict XVI during an audience granted to Cardinal Angelo Amato, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has authorized the Congregation to promulgate the Decree on the miracle attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla). This event ends the process that precedes the rite of beatification, which will take place at the Vatican on May 1, 2011, Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy, headed by Pope BenedictoXVI.

Great news for Catholics, we have an advocate closer to the Throne of God, with whom I had the great honor to speak and ask for prayers for my family. We

opportunity to continue talking about this important issue, which shows that all the earth roads are open to God, as we have shown many of our contemporaries, to whom we have known personally, and now confirmed in the Church holiness.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sound Blaster X-fi Mb سيريال

If anything can convince the human being is the consistency and the example of those with whom we live.
We can see how the Catholic Church, despite being in months of sales, does not make them in his doctrine, bearing invitations and pressures that are made to lower the demands of the Gospel.

that political power is in charge of sowing discord in society and divide, not to say that the Christian life must conform to the fashion establishment.
As a Catholic church in their firmness the doctrine and I am sure that consistency and example is what this company needs to exit the passage of those who insult and ridicule the faith to suit their convenience.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Ask For Money On An Invite

'True' Castro

Youtube is a huge archive and continuously expanding. In 2006, when I became Users of the site, contained about 16 000 million videos. However, in this vast galaxy, the number of films about Cuba in the sixties is quite low. Some musical groups and soloists of the time, scenes from the comedy show Peladero Saint Nicholas, a few fragments of speeches by Che Guevara. No more. In the largest film library ever known to humankind of film evidence with which to build a documentary history of the Cuban Revolution are absent. Soon, very little can be found in the vast and daily speeches by Fidel Castro or his interviews and meetings with Cuban and world intellectuals. History of the Revolution seems to have made a tiny film memory. The prolific work of the internationally renowned filmmaker Santiago Alvarez is only in youtube five or six documentaries. It seems as if all such materials have not been preserved, are hidden or the publication had been carelessly neglected by officials of the Department of Revolutionary Orientation (DOR) of the offices of the Cuban Communist Party .

youtube The arrival of ' Faithful' Castro, Cuban documentary filmmaker Ricardo Vega contributes a cover, but still in a very precarious gap. ' Faithful' Castro is entirely realized with archive footage and in most cases with news propaganda made by the government. It is rarely possible to find such a devastating critique of the evolution of the Cuban Revolution. The images of socialist realism, the songs pamphleteering, absurd economic projects (worthy of any story of Magical Realism), demagogic speeches, decisions that affect the future of the nation irresponsibly approved by the crowd attending to hear the leader of the Revolution. The very enthusiasm of the crowds has a monstrous character (as at the time knew the painter Antonia represent Eiríz).

In the documentary, 51 minutes, the director Ricardo Vega barely involved. His comments are limited to some changes of the soundtrack and the inclusion of a few texts that seem to divide the film into several segments. The rest is an editing cleverly made, letting the images speak for themselves, engage in dialogue with each other, that contradict, so that the viewer who make their own interpretations. And above all, making the alleged criticism that the film is a 'propaganda enemy 'with which the Cuban government often hide behind so successfully.

Previously the writer Reinaldo Arenas had tried something similar. He used the Cuban publications, especially the Granma newspaper publishers, to denounce what was happening in Cuba. It was branded as reactionary and in general their work was not very successful. The written word is usually not entirely convincing. The visual memory is much more powerful, largely due to that famous statement that, according to Barthes, was the foundation that differentiated picture of the painting or text: this has happened. In the photograph; but surely with much more force in materials to cinametogr Ficosa reality, as Barthes said, overlaps the last. In ' Faithful' Castro , by Vega's decision to avoid the possible inclusion of their own criteria, the revolutionary propaganda that reality is revealed as juxtaposed to the past. And not just the images themselves, but also by artificially enthusiastic, and apologetic language of the chosen fragments. Vega's documentary, in turn, allows us to confirm what is suspected: whether the evidence on film the Cuban Revolution are very short on youtube , is because they are often subversive. Those responsible for the propaganda of the Cuban government to restrain the past, provided another version of the famous statement "the revolution, like Saturn devouring his own ends children." Here the son devoured the story, so virtually absolute deleted, reduced to some iconic representations-like the photo of Che, Korda, which have become mere media images and symbols of rebellion for teenagers and clueless.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Can I Get A Brazilian W Genital Warts?

The Greek folósofo Thales is to nine questions is worth remembering today, and try to see how they affect our lives: 1 .-
Oldest? God, that has always existed.
2 .- Is it more beautiful? The Universe is God's work.
3 .- Most of the things? The space that contains all of the Creator.
4 .- Is it more consistent? Hope that remains at the man after he has lost everything.
5 .- The best thing? Virtue because without it there would be nothing good.
6 .- The fastest? Thinking that in less than a minute to fly us to the end of the universe.
7 .- The strongest thing? The need for it is with the man always faces.
8 .- The easiest? Give advice.
9.-And the most difficult? Knowing yourself.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ribbons For Throat Cancer

T'ang Boogie ( T'ang an experimental film Haywen)

The T'ang Chinese artist's work has been reported Haywen especially after his death in 1991, although his work has not yet achieved the recognition it deserves. In T'ang inks seem to merge traditional Chinese painting, as practice has intuitive and emotional power of abstract expressionism. They were usually European and American artists who were interested in the formal qualities of Zen and Taoist painting, tailoring them to their search words. T'ang Haywen is a opposite case. His works, often of small size, they incorporate procedures for the abstraction of his time to the traditional painting of his country. Thus, the contemporary aspects complement and enrich the heritage of the past. The result is a painting of a powerful graphic impact, which can be seen to varying sensitivity of Western abstract artists. Drawn brushstrokes with serenity, suggesting a landscape that at times seems to be a sign or ideogram. At the same time, abstract forms that explore the accident, the blast of the inks, the spontaneous stroke and transparencies.

experimental film in the T'ang Boogie, held in 1973, included 24 different images per second. T'ang inks glide with surprising speed, as forms that should be captured in an almost unconscious, until the court comes to a sudden stop dizzying sequence. A moment of calm, as the end of a journey, a discovery of a remarkable expressive force.

Inceste Archives Movies Hamster

Nine important questions to understand Christianity Thank God

Benedict's words XVI were commitment. Realizing his Urbi et Orbi message was transmitted and translated by hundreds of television channels from five continents, the Christmas message he wanted to become a key to understanding the central mystery of Christianity: God became man for love of man
After making it clear that Christmas is a historic event, an event, explained how this mystery can be seen through the eyes of simple faith, meek and humble of heart who hopes to Salvador. If the truth was just a mathematical formula, in a sense impomdria itself. But if the truth is love, calls faith, if our heart. "And indeed what searches our hearts but a truth that is love?
so helpless Child That makes us all provocative questions, the young needed to find the deeper meaning of his life, man and woman in their maturity to support commitment to family and work, and also looks for the elderly to comply with earthly existence.