Friday, January 7, 2011

Can I Get A Brazilian W Genital Warts?

The Greek folósofo Thales is to nine questions is worth remembering today, and try to see how they affect our lives: 1 .-
Oldest? God, that has always existed.
2 .- Is it more beautiful? The Universe is God's work.
3 .- Most of the things? The space that contains all of the Creator.
4 .- Is it more consistent? Hope that remains at the man after he has lost everything.
5 .- The best thing? Virtue because without it there would be nothing good.
6 .- The fastest? Thinking that in less than a minute to fly us to the end of the universe.
7 .- The strongest thing? The need for it is with the man always faces.
8 .- The easiest? Give advice.
9.-And the most difficult? Knowing yourself.


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