Monday, February 7, 2011

Period Before Clear Fluid

. To act in conscience

live in a world which pays tribute to the unusual, to the spectacular, to the extravagant, for many it seems that alone is worth the jump to big business.
In the eyes of God, any little thing done by love for Him and eagerness to serve others is important.
Think of how life is made of each one of us if it is small things that all together, give us the opportunity to have a treasure to offer God.
small thing is a smile, a reniuncia to something we want and we refuse the order at work, kindness in dealing, etc. etc.
They say that Miguel Angel was visiting a friend who was interested in the latest sculpture he was working in the workshop. We revisited after time, and was surprised to see the work as to a few weeks, the artist said
I retouched the expression, highlighted some detail.
The friend said: But this is small stuff.
And the master replied:! Yes, but small things make a work of art!.


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