Imagination is a raw material productivity. And if they ask the executives of General Electric with the slogan Imagination at work. You may also be translated as "Imagination at work." The point is that GE has claimed a refund of 3.2 billion dollars in taxes. The figure will come ed to pay them for the economic performance of 2010, which reported earnings of $ 200 million DE14. Of these, 5100 million in the United States. What percent should be paid to the U.S. government tax payments? Corporations should contribute 35% of their annual income in the pa ís . After all maybe André Breton was right: Dear imagination, what I love about everything about you is that you do not forgive.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Can I Make Russian Morrowind To English
Imagination at work. Presentation of the Rose
Imagination is a raw material productivity. And if they ask the executives of General Electric with the slogan Imagination at work. You may also be translated as "Imagination at work." The point is that GE has claimed a refund of 3.2 billion dollars in taxes. The figure will come ed to pay them for the economic performance of 2010, which reported earnings of $ 200 million DE14. Of these, 5100 million in the United States. What percent should be paid to the U.S. government tax payments? Corporations should contribute 35% of their annual income in the pa ís . After all maybe André Breton was right: Dear imagination, what I love about everything about you is that you do not forgive.
Imagination is a raw material productivity. And if they ask the executives of General Electric with the slogan Imagination at work. You may also be translated as "Imagination at work." The point is that GE has claimed a refund of 3.2 billion dollars in taxes. The figure will come ed to pay them for the economic performance of 2010, which reported earnings of $ 200 million DE14. Of these, 5100 million in the United States. What percent should be paid to the U.S. government tax payments? Corporations should contribute 35% of their annual income in the pa ís . After all maybe André Breton was right: Dear imagination, what I love about everything about you is that you do not forgive.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Untucked Dress Shirt For Women
By Jose Alvarez Alonso (*)
"The ancient sages predicted the growing flowering trees , jumps of 'bounding', the flight of insects in search of tall, egg-laying of Chur to the height where the water comes, singing yacupato followed by early in the morning and afternoon, the nest building wound to the height where the water that evidence helped the villagers to be prepared or prevented, "he writes from Pucallpa Richard Soria, a Shipibo leader and distinguished professional. This year it seems that the sages did not know how to interpret the signals, because the growing huge raging these days the Ucayali took them quite unawares.
Richard explained to me several days ago in Pucallpa that his people do not know how to interpret what is happening: in 2010 the Ucayali suffered the worst drought he could remember, and this year the largest growing reminiscent of the oldest old. People wonder if nature has gone mad. "This is not climate change, climate aggression," said a wise Shipibo when asked if he thought extreme droughts and floods had something to do with the global phenomenon. According
shibipos older, there was not a similar increased from about 25 years ago. More than 80 indigenous communities in the Ucayali region are under water. Many have been abandoned because the water comes to roofs, some inhabitants have come to sleep in his canoe because there was no room under the roof to climb over the Tabladillo. All families in the community of Richard (Panaillo, between the mouth and Aguaytía Callería) except for two old, has gone in search of land and Yarinacocha Pucallpa, where refugees in the thousands, as in Contamana in Loreto. "The most distressing is that the animals die of starvation, and even more dogs, nobody cares about your care, just have to wait for death," writes Richard.
The impact of floods will be felt in the medium term, "Now there is an abundance of wild meat for the poor animals have taken refuge in a few levees, people are tired of beef and opossum, agouti, peccary, but then what ? "says Richard. "The coming years will be more hungry because bush meat."
In years of growing large fish stocks recovered because they had special conditions for breeding and fattening in tahuampas flooded, and it went to spawn fish in lakes internal refugees. However, fewer cars are increasingly "internal" healthy fish populations, and this year the growing came too late: in November and December last year, the regular season playing most finfish that Mijana, water were very low and the fish spawned or not, or not found suitable conditions to hatch their eggs and feed their young fish. In addition, due to overfishing and abuse of toxic, explosive and menuderas networks, adult fish populations are greatly diminished.
Nature Punishment
"Nature does not punish", answered a few days ago a driver of TV presenter colleague comment on the floods and landslides in mountain and forest, "the man is the one for his irresponsibility and lack of foresight occupies areas of risk ". Yes and no: it is true that when someone builds his house on the dry riverbed, sooner or later going to see it destroyed by a flood, and it is that nature takes revenge. However, I personally believe that Nature also punished, it compensates the abuse of human beings. Extraordinary floods in recent weeks are punishing the Ucayali river Pastaza and not solely due to heavy rains: the nearly 10 million hectares deforested and degraded in the high jungle of Peru emphasize the destructive action of water, also the climate change, experts say, is partly to blame for some of the extreme weather of recent years.
If the eastern slopes of the Andes were covered with forests fewer landslides would occur, and thus mitigate extreme drought and catastrophic flooding. The forest not only protects the soil from erosion and sets the ground: it acts like a sponge that stores part of the rainwater and help it to seep into the ground into aquifers. Forest farmers High know very well the effects of deforestation in watersheds where they live: "When I was a child, the river Shilcayo the Cumbaza and other rivers were rivers San Martin not really ever dried up, always had good water flow and we swam in them. Now stop almost dry most of the year, cross on foot. Loaded with water when it rains, but a few hours are dry again, and when heavy rain is becoming a torrent that destroys everything in its path, "my friend told me Henry Gonzales, a biologist at San Martín.
irrational man Richard Soria Wise also has an explanation for the apparent Nature's punishment: "Both large and growing drought are therefore the depredation of the forests, fisheries irrational, the entry of oil tankers and timber with heavy machines, which make beings forest guards to flee the place, it is For the anaconda, which increasingly enters underground. The killing of the alligator and the boa of different colors makes the water go weakening day by day, in the absence of many trees with large roots weakens the earth every day, so erosions occur, the result of irrational man or metallic. "
Growing certainly has brought untold destruction and suffering to many coastal communities, which deserve our solidarity and support. But we also know that whenever floods occurred in the Amazon, and Amazon man had adapted to them admirably, with proper housing and proper techniques of food preservation and storage. It is known how they kept the fresh for months, burying it to cover it with water, and kept for months at Panera quantities of flour coated leaf beans and preserved in jars of clay chiclayo, maize cobs tuchpa above to not moth-eaten, peanuts in bags in the shell ... Also made "Michiro" Fried beef with vacamarina and "loboisma, often cooked with salt fish to melt in a paste-like pate. Today much of that traditional knowledge has been lost, and people just waiting to government grants.
know that floods occur every few years and is increasingly likely to occur as the catastrophic floods of this year due to deforestation and climate change headers. Why the State does not train people to prepare for it, instead of trying to mitigate the damage will donations, provided inadequate food and medicine? The people, at least not go hungry if they knew produce and store their food as the ancients did, and no fish would be missing if they are taught to manage their fisheries and to defend their forests and lakes from predators (men irrational and metal, said Richard Soria ...)
(*) Biologist, Researcher, IIAP. (Article published in the Region)
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(Inforegión) The Joint Attorney-Manu Salvation made a giant operating in the basin of the Madre de Dios River and Boca del Rio Blanco, in order to intervene in illegal timber felling performing various forest species in the buffer zone Amarakaeri Reserve, located in the province Manu in Madre de Dios department.
SERNANP Peruvian and international calls as a volunteer ranger
(Inforegión) In order to promote citizen participation, create opportunities and build capacity, the National Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP) Volunteer Programs funded in the ANP. Each year hundreds of young people from all over Peru and in different countries postulate enthusiastically to these calls.
environmental topic in the 2011 elections. Notably absent from the discussions
(Servindi) by Sandro Chávez. March 25, 2011 .- In a review of government plans of political groupings Peru Posible (PP), Force 2011 (F2011), National Solidarity (SN), Gana Peru (GP) and Alliance for the Great Change (AGC ), we found that the concept of sustainable development remains a cliché in some cases
2011, International Year of Forests. Forests, Our Future
(Servindi) by Norberto Ovando. The air we breathe, food, water, medicines we need to survive, the variety of life on earth, the climate that outlines our present and future all depend on forests. Found
mercury 30 times higher than allowed in Madre de Dios
(Servindi) Expert: found worrying levels of mercury up to 30 times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
presented book on the Camisea Project and the extermination of peoples indigenous
Servindi, March 24, 2011 .- On Wednesday March 23 at 7:00 pm, was presented the book "Glow and Gloom? The Camisea gas project and the extermination of indigenous Peruvians by sociologist Linda Lema Tucker
It appears that MEM accept TGP expansion project that affect indigenous peoples
AIDESEP, March 24, 2011 . With the complicity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines - MEM and the Directorate General of Environmental Affairs DGAAE Energy-sector, the company Transportadora de Gas del Peru - TGP announced a new project pipeline extension as part of the transport system and that will seriously affect the indigenous peoples inhabiting the area of \u200b\u200bUrubamba, Cusco region.
peoples of Madre de Dios breathing air mixed with mercury
AIDESEP March 24, 2011. According to recent studies from different organizations and environmental agencies in the world, it was found that the air breathed by the brothers of the Amazon region of Madre de Dios contains mercury up to thirty times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization - WHO, a situation that shows that the current government does not want to run and develop plans for environmental policy, but on the contrary, the policy priority for extractive companies. TC
supports constitutional claim against emergency decrees 001 and 002
AIDESEP, March 24, 2011. The full Constitutional Court - TC admitted the claim of unconstitutionality against Emergency Decree No. 001-2011 and 002-2011, relating to the decision of government to prioritize 33 investment projects and their environmental impact studies, despite they would originate serious changes in the environment, be implemented without prior consultation with indigenous peoples and undermine the self-determination demanded by the ILO Convention 169. Natura
benefit native communities with green technologies
(El Comercio) Inputs are derived from 16 communities in the Amazon, Ecuador and Argentina
advised to limit electricity use during peak hours
(The Republic) The major cause of wasted electrical energy is caused by irrational use bad habits or inefficient facilities and equipment, said today Procobre, a network of Latin American institutions whose mission is to promote the use of copper.
die in Camelids south by cold temperatures
(The Republic) About 20 thousand young camels have died of cold temperatures and heavy rains since January in southern Peru, in the province of Caylloma, confirmed the municipal authority sector. Alternative
development environmental protection, to displace the mining claim from Piura
(CNR) - The president of the National Coordinator of the communities affected by mining (CONACAMI), Magdiel Carrion believes that the formalization of illegal mining in Piura is not the solution to this problem. Notes that if mining is formalized in this area would lead to large mining companies because almost the entire territory of neighboring His and leased out by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

(The A \u200b\u200bteam of scientists, including English Carlos Duarte, ask for a patent pool of genes sea to achieve equitable access.
genetically altered enzymes to clean oil
(BBC) Mexican scientists developed a method for cleaning oil-contaminated soil with bacteria modified proteins and DNA.
artificial A cloud from the heat of Qatar
(BBC) Amid concern about extreme heat during the World Cup in 2022, scientists developed a cloud remote to lower the temperature of the stadiums.
A 'treasure' of stone with a million years
(The Rosa M. Tristan Madrid. Discover thousands of tools used by human ancestors more than a million years at a site south of India
The long emergency
(The Carlos Fresneda. In a period of unrest linked to the lack of resources, natural disasters occur with increasing frequency and as quickly we forget
A saber-toothed herbivorous
(El Mundo. en) Teresa Guerrero Madrid. Found fossils of a strange herbivorous mammal with molars in his mouth and large dogs, possibly used for defense.
Japanese Prime Minister admitted that the situation of Fukushima-1 "not yet encourages optimism "
TOKYO, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) - Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, admitted Friday that the situation of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, "still does not encourage optimism, although he has said that the Government is doing everything possible to prevent worsening
The 27 support the test effort for nuclear
BRUSSELS, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) - European leaders have endorsed today the completion of 'stress test' for all nuclear power plants in the territory of the Community objective of "revising" its safety and third countries have asked to join this initiative which, however, have not advanced in the criteria for resistance testing, which will remain with the European group of nuclear safety regulators .
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Do Not Exceed Posted Time Limit
Architectural arcana. Architecture
Well this is the last chapter this week, on arcane architecture. I have already spoken of cars , large tables, small tables and today I will speak of the chests. Of these I have less than others. In total there were 20 boxes divided in two categories: 14 small and 6 large.
Unlike treaty days ago, some of these models appeared with Citadel Compendium and 2 3 and nothing more, designed by none other than Rick Priestly (a little side known by most people remember him by their rules).
Of these existing models I own only 5 of the 9 different models I have. Some of the ones I have listed in the compendium but not others.
Well this is the last chapter this week, on arcane architecture. I have already spoken of cars , large tables, small tables and today I will speak of the chests. Of these I have less than others. In total there were 20 boxes divided in two categories: 14 small and 6 large.
Unlike treaty days ago, some of these models appeared with Citadel Compendium and 2 3 and nothing more, designed by none other than Rick Priestly (a little side known by most people remember him by their rules).
Of these existing models I own only 5 of the 9 different models I have. Some of the ones I have listed in the compendium but not others.
My Baby Has Rosy Cheeks For 2 Days
The crucifix does not violate rights. San José in Valencia
Many people hate to see a crucifix, in a way it is understood, is pain, sacrifice and love as we capitalized, not the other love minuscula.
In a new ruling on March 18, the Strasbourg Court recognizes that the crucifix in classrooms does not violate the rights of parents to educate their children.
Thus, although the crucifix in a church has a religious significance in a public setting (such as in schools, government offices, courts, judiciary, etc..) Has a cultural value, linked to the country's history , their culture or traditions. In this context, to maintain such status symbols in public spaces such leave does not mean that secular statehood to become a religious state.
Many people hate to see a crucifix, in a way it is understood, is pain, sacrifice and love as we capitalized, not the other love minuscula.
In a new ruling on March 18, the Strasbourg Court recognizes that the crucifix in classrooms does not violate the rights of parents to educate their children.
Thus, although the crucifix in a church has a religious significance in a public setting (such as in schools, government offices, courts, judiciary, etc..) Has a cultural value, linked to the country's history , their culture or traditions. In this context, to maintain such status symbols in public spaces such leave does not mean that secular statehood to become a religious state.
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leaders AIDESEP, March 23, 2011. The president of the Association for Forest Development Peru - AIDESEP, Alberto Pizango, sent a letter to the Agricultural Committee of Congress to urge them to keep their word to spread a decision which accepted his mistake by falsifying the signatures of two national leaders in a record that never was initialed, and the intended to convince the public that PP.II. favor of a Forest Act openly contrary to the needs of communities.
Mother of God breathes mercury up to 30 times higher than allowed (video)
(Inforegión) A group of specialists led by the consultant of the Environmental Protection Agency United States, Luis Fernández found that the air breathed by the inhabitants of Mother of God contains mercury up to thirty times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Chuschi District Residents reject mining exploration on their land
(Inforegión) The people of the communities of Chuschi, Cangallo Province, presented a memorial to the Regional Office of Energy and Mines, in which contend that declare the district as an intangible zone. So hope to avoid entering the mining companies exploring in the area for mineral resources.
Villarán Mayor announces measures to save water (video)
(Inforegión) As part of the celebrations for World Water Day, the mayor of Lima Susana Villaran announced the upcoming formation of the Water Resources Board of the Lima Basin, which will aim to work for the territorial reorganization of Lurin river basins, Chillon and Rimac.
VRAE In celebrating World Water Day with parades and painting contest (video)
(Inforegión) Hundreds of school district participated in Cusco Kimbiri a colorful parade through the various arteries of the districts Ayna -San Francisco and Kimbiri in the valley of the rivers Apurimac and Ene, VRAE, referring to commemorate World Water Day. DEVIDA
training authorities and community leaders in Environmental Management Ucayali
(Inforegión) More than 30 officials and community leaders from the Township Environmental Commission Curimaná, province of Padre Abad, Ucayali, part of building workshops and awareness to preserve the environment. The event takes place within the framework of the activities planned by DEVIDA and PDA.
"The dog in the manger"
(Servindi) By Roger Rumrill. March 23, 2011 .- On October 28 the year 2007, President Alan Garcia published in the newspaper "El Comercio" Article "gardener syndrome" with a title of which reads: "Give value unused resources."
Protected areas support "Earth Hour"
(The Republic) The National Service of Protected Areas by the State (Sernanp) announced its participation in "Earth Hour" , an initiative that seeks worldwide awareness on the proper use of electrical energy.
An hour without electricity for Earth
(El Comercio) Environmental Campaign will take place this Saturday at 8:30 pm
(Inforegión) A group of specialists led by the consultant of the Environmental Protection Agency United States, Luis Fernández found that the air breathed by the inhabitants of Mother of God contains mercury up to thirty times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Chuschi District Residents reject mining exploration on their land
(Inforegión) The people of the communities of Chuschi, Cangallo Province, presented a memorial to the Regional Office of Energy and Mines, in which contend that declare the district as an intangible zone. So hope to avoid entering the mining companies exploring in the area for mineral resources.
Villarán Mayor announces measures to save water (video)
(Inforegión) As part of the celebrations for World Water Day, the mayor of Lima Susana Villaran announced the upcoming formation of the Water Resources Board of the Lima Basin, which will aim to work for the territorial reorganization of Lurin river basins, Chillon and Rimac.
VRAE In celebrating World Water Day with parades and painting contest (video)
(Inforegión) Hundreds of school district participated in Cusco Kimbiri a colorful parade through the various arteries of the districts Ayna -San Francisco and Kimbiri in the valley of the rivers Apurimac and Ene, VRAE, referring to commemorate World Water Day. DEVIDA
training authorities and community leaders in Environmental Management Ucayali
(Inforegión) More than 30 officials and community leaders from the Township Environmental Commission Curimaná, province of Padre Abad, Ucayali, part of building workshops and awareness to preserve the environment. The event takes place within the framework of the activities planned by DEVIDA and PDA.
"The dog in the manger"
(Servindi) By Roger Rumrill. March 23, 2011 .- On October 28 the year 2007, President Alan Garcia published in the newspaper "El Comercio" Article "gardener syndrome" with a title of which reads: "Give value unused resources."
Protected areas support "Earth Hour"
(The Republic) The National Service of Protected Areas by the State (Sernanp) announced its participation in "Earth Hour" , an initiative that seeks worldwide awareness on the proper use of electrical energy.
An hour without electricity for Earth
(El Comercio) Environmental Campaign will take place this Saturday at 8:30 pm

(BBC) In the midst of crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power, BBC News explains how the radioactivity harms plants and animals, and what are the options for cleaning. Central
Fukushima: the extreme routine
(The Work on the plant have entered a kind of loop: smoke is detected, is evacuated, electricity is carried and tries refrigerate.
The Bernabeu off their lights in 'Earth Hour'
MADRID, 24 (EUROPA PRESS) - The director of Institutional Relations of Real Madrid, Emilio Butragueño, has recorded a message showing the white team to support the awareness campaign against climate change 'Earth Hour', hosted by WWF
Greenpeace activists scaled the headquarters of the PP and the PSOE to demand an end to nuclear
Madrid, 24 feb (EFE) .- Greenpeace activists have climbed this morning the headquarters of the English Socialist Party (PSOE) and the Popular Party (PP) in the streets of Madrid and Genoa Ferraz respectively, for both parties claim the abandonment of nuclear energy in Spain.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Doe Sthe 3rd Cervical Cancer Jab Hurt >
chests arcana. Small tables
This is the small table 4. :
This is the small table 5:
This is the small table 6: This I have not
This is the small table 7:
This is the small table 8:
This is the small table 9:
This is the small table 10:
This small table is unknown:
The truth is that I bought some repeated in the year 2,001 to change, giving, etc. of which I only need one of each that are displayed. For
In this same section of the catalog of architectural arcana U.S. had also small tables. The total number of tables listed was 10, from round tables to square tables, from tables to tables full of empty objects. Of course they were perfect for making dioramas. The asked all and my surprise was that I was sent a catalog and one of the catalog did not receive. Was the one called Small Table 6.
More or less all the tables below are as follows:
This is the small table 1:
This is the small table 2:
This is the small table 3: This is the small table 4. :
This is the small table 5:
This is the small table 6: This I have not
This is the small table 7:
This is the small table 8:
This is the small table 9:
This is the small table 10:
The truth is that I bought some repeated in the year 2,001 to change, giving, etc. of which I only need one of each that are displayed. For
How Many Calories Are In A Cup Of Bean Soup

Ayacucho (Inforegión ) The Ministry of Environment (MINAM) evaluates the possibility of criminal charges against those responsible be exerting informal gold mining activities in the Rural Community of Pomacocha (Ayacucho).
The World Water Day, there are fewer reservoirs of this important component for the world
AIDESEP, March 22, 2011. On World Water Day, after the unfortunate earthquake in Japan, the climate crisis, global warming are discussions in place, there has indeed the threat that our sources of water, glaciers, lakes, rivers of the Amazon is disappearing, for our continent accounts for 94% of the world's tropical glaciers, and they are getting less for accelerating the deglaciation that goes with serious consequences.
VRAE held in the World Water Day with parades and painting competition
(Inforegión) Hundreds of school district participated in Cusco Kimbiri a colorful parade through the various arteries of the districts of Ayna-San Francisco and Kimbiri in the valley of the Apurimac and Ene rivers, VRAE, referring to commemorate World Water Day. Students
Ayacucho promote water care
(Inforegión) On the occasion of the celebration of World Water Day, students of public and private educational institutions of Ayacucho marched through the main streets of the city. Its aim was to sensitize the population about the importance of water conservation.
Humanitarian Emergency Call to declare the mining sites in Madre de Dios
(Inforegión) A large group of journalists, intellectuals, businessmen tourist and scientists linked to the conservation of natural resources and protection of the Peruvian Amazon , spoke in favor of the legal system of mining in Madre de Dios and the rest of the country
sign agreement to promote energy saving light bulbs use
(Inforegión) An inter-institutional cooperation to promote the efficient use Power Corporation signed FONAFE (National Fund for Financing State Business Activity) and RWE Supply & Switzerland SA, a German utility electricity and natural gas.
Paradigms and forests
(Climadecamnbios) Concerning the World Forestry Day (March 21) and the International Year of Forests (2011) is important to reflect on the relationship between humans and forests in order to ratify commitments and promote collective action. This time we want to analyze from the perspective of the paradigms and their influence on the state of conservation of forests.
Experts predict the disappearance of most of the Amazon forests by the end of the century.
AIDESEP, March 22, 2011. Experts agree that the Amazon is the richest ecosystem and biodiversity as well as the most important reservoir of freshwater on the planet, but predicted that our forests are in danger of disappearing due to deforestation and climate change, as there are studies determined that is the region that would be at greater risk of becoming "in the coming decades-savanna ecosystem biologically poorer and less able to store carbon and produce rain. (Read more.)
"Camisea Project exterminated whole indigenous peoples"
Reality. And nobody says anything, says sociologist cute slogan. Research conducted by the author also indicates that communities were devastated and lost their culture and virgin forests.
Peru is preparing for Earth Hour
(El Comercio) "Environment." Campaign organizers hope to be sustained over time
celebrated in Iquitos World Water Day
(First) Young students performed a colorful parade and a walk in the wetlands of the boulevard of Iquitos, with the support of the Regional Government of Loreto and the Environmental Youth Volunteer Network, celebrating World Water Day. Minera
enters the protected area without consulting
(First) The president of the Organization of Development of Border Communities Cenepa River (ODECOFROC) Kayak Zebelio Jempekit, reported to the Regional Council of Amazon, suspected presence of Aphrodite mining company, which would be conducting exploration work in this protected area, without prior consultation with indigenous peoples.

(The Republic) The environmental group Greenpeace protested last Tuesday against nuclear power Atucha Atucha I and II, in Buenos Aires (Argentina), to demand the Government to review "the nuclear plan "being conducted since 2004.
nuclear crisis
(Mundo) Ensure that the situation in Japan remains very serious. Secrets
skin prehistoric reptiles
(BBC) An infrared image of organic compounds allowed to see a sample of reptilian skin 50 million years, opening new possibilities for scientists.
The average temperature in Spain has risen 0.7 degrees C over the past 50 years
(The Miguel G. Corral Madrid. The Meteorological Agency says the average temperature in Spain has risen 0.68 degrees Celsius since 1961.
The Big Lie: The nuclear energy
(The Antonio Ruiz de Elvira. Already implemented systems that already exist at low risk, clean and, despite what we are told, cheaper and generate employment.
Concern iodine levels in water from Tokyo
Tokyo, March 23 (EFE) .- The fear of radioactive contamination spread in Japan today after the authorities admitted that an increased level iodine in the water of Tokyo and recommended not to eat vegetables grown near the Fukushima nuclear plant
CEPESMA study and retain four giant squid from Peru
Oviedo, March 23 (EFE). - Four giant squid from Peru will be moved next week to the museum for the Study Coordinator and the Protection of Marine Species (CEPESMA) in Luarca, to be studied and preserved.
UNESCO consider the declaration of new forests as a World Heritage Site
Burgos, 23 feb (EFE) .- The UNESCO study in June about thirty goods and sites eligible for Heritage Site, among which are several forests, today explained Marc Patry, Member of the UN agency.
Greenpeace regretted that "has minimized the accident" and calls for "concrete measures" to the English Government
MADRID, 23 (EUROPA PRESS TV) - Greenpeace has labeled this Wednesday as "regrettable" that the nuclear industry has downplayed the nuclear accident that occurred after the earthquake of March 11 in Japan and has asked the Government to act responsibly and take steps concrete "so that our energy system is efficient."
BRAZIL: banana peel filters heavy metals
Water contaminated with potentially toxic metals can be purified as a filter using banana peel, found a study by the University Estadual Paulista (UNESP) in Botucatu, 230 kilometers from São Paulo.
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By Jose Alvarez Alonso (*)
"They killed our fish and nobody does anything," complained ago days in my office Tito Julio Vásquez, a peasant from the creek Fanache, in the province of Alto Ucayali. Iquitos from commercial fishermen had used toxic and caused a high mortality of fish in the streams and SIUC Fanache in Buncuya. Don Julio told me that the affected communities (I and II Shoe Zone, Vargas Guerra, July 28 and the same Tamanca) are organizing to prevent the recurrence of these events, and have agreed to prevent access to their streams of commercial fishermen, but told me that these bad elements come with of permits from the Regional Directorate of Production and lick on the rights of communities and law.
are increasingly frequent reports on the use of toxic to fish, not just about mullein, but so dangerous pesticides such as Thiodan and Parathion. Last week I visited the office Chanchari Segundo, Ungurahual community, high Nanay, a similar story a month ago, a freezer had caused a "rotting" of fish in the Crescent Creek, a tributary of Pavaquebrada, again allegedly with Thiodan. Also last week I was looking for in Mazan, in the lower Napo, some fish to eat. "There peje" he said, "if you want chicken." I asked how could the banks of the Napo and Mazan, years ago a fishing reserve recognized by the abundance of fish, no fish could be found. "A few weeks ago Iquitos freezer boats came and poisoned with Thiodan Mazán lot of cars, made tremendous decay, far down the rotting fish. Since then, there is almost no fish, "he explained. I also reported that communities of Mazan, given the inaction of the authorities had organized to prevent the entry of commercial fishers.
The question that arises immediately is: You can not control the actions of criminals who call themselves fishermen? Here not only is a violation of the Fisheries Act, but a serious environmental crime and a crime against public health because the fish is poisoned with chemicals sold in Iquitos and its population are intoxicated. The excuse of officials of PRODUCE is known: they have no resources for the control of fishing zones. However, the most toxic fish caught with fishing nets or menuderas sold in Iquitos, and the boats out of Iquitos Prepared with its illegal and toxic arts ... Is not able to exert control at ports of Iquitos, as do authorities in Brazil and Colombia, with support from the Ecological Police, prosecutors and DIGESA?
Today we have technology and laboratories (including the IIAP, excellent) with the ability to determine whether the fish by a fishing boat docked in Iquitos is contaminated with pesticides or other poisons, which would punish this serious crime and stop a Once those who ruin the health and future of people with their criminal actions. With the new Penal Code in force since 1 January 2008, environmental crime as the use of toxic to fish are punished with heavy fines and jail time, but we have not heard of one fisherman reported for this type of crime, while the fishery resource declines year after year despite the massaged statistics - and increasing malnutrition in communities.
course can be finished with a bit of will and determination, with the scourge of toxic fishing and other destructive fishing practices: monitoring the fishing boats when they depart for not carrying anything illegal, coordinating with local authorities ( lieutenant governors, mayors, district, local) law enforcement (they have jurisdiction where no sector authorities) to monitor the landings of fish, to determine whether there has been use of toxic or prohibited fishing gear, or if they have caught smaller fish than allowed.
As regards Thiodan: In Loreto the use of pesticides for agricultural purposes is minimal, because the constant rains greatly diminished its effectiveness. I propose here to declare the pesticide Thiodan and other similar "controlled substances" so that does not allow free sale in the region, as today, to illegal and criminal use for fishing. We must also encourage organic production: Loreto agricultural products may enter market niches selected only when and maintain their green seal "free of pesticides and fertilizers."
This is not just about caring for the environment: it is a very serious toxic or networks to exterminate an entire generation menuderas fish to make a meager income by selling fish in Iquitos, but even worse is that you at risk the health of people selling contaminated fish. Organophosphate or organochlorine insecticides such as Thiodan have very harmful effects on the human body. I wonder if these murderers of fish that fishermen can not be considered and ill-officials who give consent, those fish poisoned their children, ...
The Regional Government of Loreto is pushing a strategy that could help solve the current issue of control in the use of forest resources and terrestrial and aquatic fauna: it is to delegate powers of scrutiny and oversight to local authorities from the district mayors governors, following the principle of subsidiarity. The local control (especially organized communities) has proved a highly effective method to help manage resources more sustainably Amazon. In areas where communities have been trained and empowered to manage and control their resources, significantly reduce deforestation, illegal hunting and fishing and destructive practices themselves of these villagers.
An example: a few weeks ago, two fishermen Yacapana community to fish tried to enter the gorge Yanayacu mullein in the buffer zone of the Conservation Area Regional Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo. Volunteer rangers San Juan de Yanayacu detained for monitoring gear, and found the mullein, which was seized immediately, of course ill join fishermen could not fish. Scenes like these might be common in a few months throughout the region of Loreto. Hopefully, the regional president has the support of officials in the transfer process and / or delegation of duties, and not become trapped as has occurred devolution in forestry to the region.
(*) Biologist, Researcher, IIAP.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
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The Secretary General Message
commemorate World Water Day
March 22, 2011
commemorate World Water Day
March 22, 2011
At a time when the world lay the groundwork for a more sustainable future, the vital interrelationship between water, food and energy poses one of the most difficult problems we face. Without water no dignity, no one can escape poverty. However, many countries still have much to do about the target on sanitation and water established in the Millennium Development Goals.
In little more than a generation, 60% of the world's population live in urban centers and cities, and most of this increase will occur in slums and squatter settlements in the developing world. This year's observance of World Water Day focuses on the theme "Water for Cities", which highlights some of the major challenges in this increasingly urban future.
Urbanization provides opportunities to carry out a more efficient water management and improve access to safe water and sanitation services. At the same time, problems often charge larger in cities, and are currently exceeding our ability to find solutions.
During the last decade the number of urban residents without running water at home or in the vicinity increased by about 114 million, and the number of people without access to basic health services has grown over 134 million. This increase of 20% has had grave consequences for human health and economic productivity, as people get sick and can not work.
In little more than a generation, 60% of the world's population live in urban centers and cities, and most of this increase will occur in slums and squatter settlements in the developing world. This year's observance of World Water Day focuses on the theme "Water for Cities", which highlights some of the major challenges in this increasingly urban future.
Urbanization provides opportunities to carry out a more efficient water management and improve access to safe water and sanitation services. At the same time, problems often charge larger in cities, and are currently exceeding our ability to find solutions.
During the last decade the number of urban residents without running water at home or in the vicinity increased by about 114 million, and the number of people without access to basic health services has grown over 134 million. This increase of 20% has had grave consequences for human health and economic productivity, as people get sick and can not work.
The water-related problems go beyond the issues of access. In many countries, lack of sanitary facilities requiring girls to leave school, and women are victims of harassment or assault when carrying water or go to public toilets. In addition, often the poorest and most vulnerable members of society are forced to buy water from vendors at prices informal sector, estimated to exceed between 20% and 100% paid by their wealthier neighbors, whose homes get running water through the municipal services. This situation is not only unsustainable but also unacceptable.
The water issues will figure prominently in the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 (Rio + 20). My High Level Group on Global Sustainability and UN-Water are considering how we can reconcile the issues of water, energy and security to reduce poverty and inequality, create jobs and to minimize the risks associated with changing climate and environmental problems.
On World Water Day, I urge all governments to recognize the true nature of the water crisis in urban areas: a governance crisis, caused by the measures inefficient and poor management, rather than a problem of scarcity. Commit ourselves to counter the alarming decline in investment in water projects and sanitation for the poor, and reaffirm our commitment to end the plight of the 800 million people in a world full of resources, yet lack of drinking water or sanitation services necessary to enjoy a decent life and good health.
The water issues will figure prominently in the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 2012 (Rio + 20). My High Level Group on Global Sustainability and UN-Water are considering how we can reconcile the issues of water, energy and security to reduce poverty and inequality, create jobs and to minimize the risks associated with changing climate and environmental problems.
On World Water Day, I urge all governments to recognize the true nature of the water crisis in urban areas: a governance crisis, caused by the measures inefficient and poor management, rather than a problem of scarcity. Commit ourselves to counter the alarming decline in investment in water projects and sanitation for the poor, and reaffirm our commitment to end the plight of the 800 million people in a world full of resources, yet lack of drinking water or sanitation services necessary to enjoy a decent life and good health.
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(Inforegión) Dozens of students from different educational institutions Aucayacu, in the district of José Crespo y Castillo in the Upper Huallaga Valley, held this morning by the World Water Day with an impressive parade that traveled the main streets of the city.
Celebrate World Forestry Day and World Water Day Tocache
(Inforegión) With the participation of students of different educational institutions Tocache various activities were carried by the World Water Day and World Forestry Day organized by the Department of Natural Resources and Agricultural Environmental Affairs.
propose better manage water use and sincere fares
(Inforegión) On the occasion of World Water Day, biologist Anna Zucchetti, president of the Administrative Council of the City SERPA Lima identified two major challenges that Peru should take the earliest for better management of the liquid element. One such challenge is to reconcile the various interests associated with the use of the resource.
Brack Minister launches harsh criticism of those who do not care water
(Inforegión) A strong wake-up call made by the Environment Minister Antonio Brack Egg to all those who waste water pollutes rivers, garbage filled aquatic environments and have no sewage properly. Osram
and WWF Launch Campaign "Earth Hour" in Peru
(Inforegión) For the third consecutive year, providing global campaign "Earth Hour" with the aim of raising awareness about the importance the irresponsible use of energy. The event is scheduled for Saturday 26 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm and is expected to achieve high participation as in previous editions.
FENAMAD calls for transparency in the process of approval of Forestry Law and Wildlife
AIDESEP, March 21, 2011. The Native Federation of Madre de Dios River and Tributaries - FENAMAD called for transparency in the approval process of the Law of Forestry and Wildlife and supported the decision to denounce the maneuvers AIDESEP the Land Commission in its claim for passing legislation that contains no consultation processes demanded by the international conventions signed by Peru. CARE
complaint construction of hydroelectric plants in central jungle will bring people an "economic terrorism"
AIDESEP, March 18, 2011. For the president of the Central Ashaninka Ene River - CARE, an organization based on the AIDESEP, Ruth Mestoquiari Buendia, construction of hydroelectric plants in the central jungle, as Paquitzapango, will bring an "economic terrorism" that affect indigenous peoples will be displaced because -once again-to their ancestral territories and said the Ashaninka not going to accept.
10 interesting facts about water
(The Republic) Today, March 22 held World Water Day, the portal muyinteresante.e s grouped 10 curiosities about this important resource. Nevado
Huaytapallana endangered
(The Republic) in Huancayo. Say it is because of 43 miners in the area. Mining companies make snow skirt, which is melting. Shullcas River at risk of contamination.
Iquitos: Celebrating Water Day parade with tourist circuit and
(The Republic) The regional government of Loreto and the Network of Volunteer Youth Environment Day celebrated this jurisdiction World Water with a tourist circuit of the boulevard by wetlands and a parade of Iquitos.
Baguazo Garcia talks about
(First) President Alan Garcia said that one of the errors of his government was having delayed up to 55 days treatment with Amazonian natives, who staged a protest June 2009. He also said he would have resolved in ten days the conflict known as "Baguazo", which showed a balance of 34 deaths among police and civilians. Agribusiness
requires urgent measures to improve water use
(El Comercio) Agriculture consumes 80% of available water in the country, according to ANA
Peru urgently requires a government to consider alternatives to extractive: 80% of hydrocarbons are about communities and native areas
Lima, 22 / 03/2011 (CNR) - "It is urgent that the new government to establish changes to properly regulate and control the exploitation of natural resources and great investment. There are serious social, environmental and economic factors that demonstrate that the current policy centered on the extractive must be reviewed, "said Alejandra Alayza, Coordinator of the Peruvian Network for Equitable Globalization. In addition, recovery by these activities with losses reaching 2.457 million soles (From 2006 to 2010), demonstrating the lack of commitment from companies and control by the authorities to enforce the revenue according to law specialist said Epifanio Baca, Grupo Propuesta Ciudadana.
quarrying activity will mercantilist only sustainable development but also provides managed with a humane, Bishop of Puerto Maldonado said
Lima, 03/22/2011 (CNR) - "You can not make an extractive activity with sustainable development, leaving the situation as it is on its way ... there are so many activities, so many many groups and companies while they are trying to take the Amazon that I believe this is not possible "..." In Mother of God ... with everything from gold mining ... Hence there can be no development, the only thing there is destruction, no respect for any kind of law and what they are leaving behind are lunar landscapes, with rivers and poisoned land, mercury continues to spew out there, despite Attempts by the Government "...
The World Water Day: 800 million people lack clean water to live with dignity
Lima, 21/03/2011 (CNR) - Each year, official figures show us the grim reality facing millions of people who lack this valuable natural resource essential to life. Today the year 2011, as reported by the United Nations (UN) should address the order of 800 million people still do not have clean water to live with dignity and good health.
Peru needs to better manage their water resources
(RPP) Rector of the Universidad Agraria La Molina, Abel Mejia said in RPP News that in 20 years, Peru will require 20% more water, but the effects will be less climate change and the misuse of this resource
Celebrate World Water Day
(RPP), FAO warned approaches the need for 'innovative' to ensure clean water supply to the urban population in developing countries .

(Servindi) - Global warming causes the rapid deglaciation, threatening to turn Earth into a dry planet .
For Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations (IOTC). Today we celebrate World Water Day, adopted on December 22 1992 General Assembly of the United Nations
Guatemala: Solidarity with indigenous Maya: Stop the Marlin Mine in Guatemala
(Servindi) Save the Forest, March 21, 2011 .- The Inter- (IACHR) established in May 2010 temporary injunction suspending the Marlin . But both the mining company and the government made since deaf ears.
The Crossroads of Yasuni
(RPP) a hectare of primary forest and humid contains a variety of native species higher than in North America and its muddy soil is considered a source of hope against climate change.
In pictures: the drama of finding drinking water
(BBC) When all countries to mark World Water Day, BBC News looks at the situation of access to drinking water in the world.
do we learn the death of Knut
(BBC) The Death of the most famous polar bear in the world, Knut, has reopened the debate on the ethical minefield that is the relationship between man and wild animals.
IAEA, concerned about nuclear waste pits Fukushima
(The The UN agency said that "there are still some improvement," although the situation remains very serious "in the plant.
Two million tons of trash each day into rivers
(The The lack of sewage treatment contributes to the pollution of water resources and increased risk of disease .
Fukushima supposedly detect radiation in the U.S. east coast
Vienna, 22 feb (EFE) .- The measurement stations Treaty Commission Comprehensive Test Ban Organization (CTBTO) have recorded Radiation traces allegedly coming from the nuclear plant in Fukushima (Japan) on the east coast of the United States, according to the meteorology central Austria (ZAMG).
Who controls the nuclear control agency
(Tierramérica) By Stephen Leahy. The nuclear energy sector has few independent experts, which calls into question the transparency and fairness of regulatory agencies.
water management beyond the debate "public or private
water management beyond the debate "public or private
(Tierramérica) By Gonzalo Ortiz. A fund to public and private funds seeks to create Quito a participatory and transparent to manage water.
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