The most notable absentee from the discussions
By: Sandro Chávez ( *)
S i do a review of Government plans officially presented JNE, the first five political parties or alliances (as the main survey) involved in the General Election of 2011 in Environmental, we find once again the weakness of this theme in most of the proposals, worse in the debates are organized in a public where the very National Jury of Elections and various media to engage in this ninguneo environmental issues.
In March 1995, a group of environmental networks in the country organized an event called the Eco-Forum 1995, which invited the candidates for President of the Republic to present and discuss their proposals on the subject, the final conclusion that time was that our politicians were too far away to understand and therefore incorporate the environmental issue in their programs of government, much less the theme of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 which had recently been released in the world after the great summit Rio de Janeiro in 92.
been almost 15 years and certainly there is progress on the proposals in several games, but still shows a weak perception of how to articulate the issue as a real priority explicitly.
seems that the issue is not important for the candidates and the media seem to share the mistaken belief that the issue is not the voting public interest, that is not sold. Perhaps self-critically
should say that environmentalists and other people familiar with the matter have not been able to develop better strategies for advocacy for these issues are addressed in the electoral campaign with the seriousness that climate change, deforestation of forests, pollution sources water and air, and the loss of our biodiversity we urgently demand.
Government plans to weak environmental proposals
In a review (see attached table) of the government's plans of political groupings Peru Posible (PP), Force 2011 (F2011), National Solidarity (SN), Gana Peru (GP) and Alliance for the Great Change (AGC), we found that the concept of sustainable development remains a cliché in some cases and in others is not even considered, although globally there is a tremendous step forward in building and inclusion in public policy.
when one notes also the approach which includes the environmental issue is that some PB was incorporated as a watershed, ecosystem approach, with emphasis on environmental protection, while for F2011 serves only to create jobs quality, SN not prioritized and rehearse some disjointed actions, at least declaratively GP proposes it as a horizontal policy strategy development and AGC has a police emphasis is reduced to create an environmental police. Territorial
is one of the large deficits that Peru is suffering and that their absence is the source of many socio-environmental conflicts, institutional, and promoter of chaos where cities, towns and private sector development, only PP considered a priority theme and F2011 is an element for the sustainable management of extractive and productive activities for the remainder is not an issue to be addressed. Environmental Institutional
PP, F2011 and GP agree on the need to strengthen the MINAM. While AGC is sufficient to Police creating an environment. On the other hand, PP rightly proposes the need for modernization of secondments to MINAM as ANA (National Water Authority), SERFOR (Forest Service, as the authority of integrated management of forests), IMARPE, INDECI.
In the case of SN had no proposal in this regard. GP aims to generate consensus and plans to facilitate and guide market activities in general populations and sustainable policies towards the country.
Climate Change (CC)
PP is considered a priority theme and proposes a contingency plan to CC for SN is necessary to prepare with more research on vulnerability mitigation and adaptation to such changes, as well as building capacity and disseminating knowledge and information, and the same forest ecosystem management to reduce vulnerability to climate.
On the other hand aims to identify specific vulnerabilities in the country to create strategies and appropriate public policies, allowing among other things to get help from various bilateral and multilateral technical and financial cooperation as well as incorporate the DC all levels of development planning (district government, provincial and regional). Forestry Development
PP considers forest management, modern management and transformation as a priority theme, for which he proposes a forest conservation program, with the support of Amazon communities, will also promote forestry industries, timber and non-timber reforestation have a million in the Andean region for 2016 and Amazon, as well as a system of property ownership and sustainable management of the fifteen million flooded forests of the Peruvian Amazon. Meanwhile
GP proposes the conservation of Amazonian forests and reforestation of degraded forest land, others do not have a proposal in this regard. Renewables
proposed PP change the energy mix to achieve by 2016, 20% renewable energy, promoting their installation tax; F2011 promote energy efficiency and encourage diversification of the energy matrix through the development and inclusion of renewable energy. Meanwhile
SN also proposes changing the energy matrix of Peru, based on the momentum of development of available sources, renewable and sustainable, in the case of GP notes that develop renewable energy to support rural development urgently to improve quality of life, production and productivity in rural areas. Interestingly AGC does not propose anything Specifically on the subject. Water
For PP the water management and watershed-level management is a central theme and aims to develop a program of rehabilitation and cleaning of rivers and watershed management on the coast, for its part intends GP promote and invest, in partnership with the private sector, efficient and sustainable management of water resources management and ultimately arises AGC system planning watershed conservation, reforestation and other water saving in agriculture and urban consumption and plan the escalation and maintenance of coastal rivers to recharge groundwater.
Environmental Management PP
Management Program presents a comprehensive management of municipal solid waste, treatment to reduce the emission of methane and explore possibilities to achieve serious environmental service payments; by F2011 proposes to consolidate the national environmental management system that allows implementing eco-efficiency in the public sector and promote private sector incorporate effective mechanisms for citizen participation and consultation in decision-making. SN
improve systems indicates that approval of environmental impact studies with greater involvement of the authorities and political and civil society. GP finally proposes to implement an information system environment and promote environmental regulation through a national surveillance and control of markets, which could be located in the restructured INDECOPI. Biodiversity
PP proposes to value biodiversity, incorporating the assessment of natural capital in national accounts, giving them more relevant to genetic resources and international negotiations about introducing strategic proposals for the payment of environmental services Andean and Amazonian areas, and also proposes the restoration and rehabilitation of terraces and a program to protect national parks. F2011
raises the pulse a pattern of conservation and sustainable management of ecosystems through the establishment of the Payment for Environmental Services or Compensation for Ecosystem Services. Finally, GP is committed to promoting and investing, in partnership with the private sector, efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity. Environmental Citizenship
PP generally proposes strengthening the partnership between all sectors, including private and civil society, and strengthening of progress and ensuring continuity. F2011
proposes the creation of a civic conscience to care for natural resources, our culture, traditions and preserve the environment, for its part to promote GP says that indigenous communities have ensured the survival of their habitat, their forms of communal organization and the direct economic benefit with the possibility of expanding their cultural horizons and development, also, stimulate consumption patterns more friendly to the environment, a lifestyle that is sustainable ecological footprint
Finally AGC intends to strengthen the culture of the environment as part of educational training.
ecobusiness and Healthy Cities Environmental
There are some very particular issues in some groups that are outstanding, for example PP aims to boost Ecotourism Development of agro biodiversity and organic products and Aquaculture. Meanwhile
GP aims to develop healthy environmental cities, which is a major breakthrough, the issue is that it is not clear at the time of making the proposal because there is confusion on how you would in any case indicates that there will be a Ministry of Urban Development which will eventually replace the current mission and functions of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, which will encourage a concerted urban planning, strengthening local capacity, the formulation of general laws and specific technical standards for building and formalizing different types of housing and citizen participation in local development plans and plans concerted conditioning territory.
environmental agenda pending
No doubt there are a lot of work to achieve real sustainability of government plans, much more in the education of our politicians and their advisers have not given the necessary priority and urgency that have environmental problems.
However, I believe that there is a pending environmental agenda among some of the points we could propose the following:
In March 1995, a group of environmental networks in the country organized an event called the Eco-Forum 1995, which invited the candidates for President of the Republic to present and discuss their proposals on the subject, the final conclusion that time was that our politicians were too far away to understand and therefore incorporate the environmental issue in their programs of government, much less the theme of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 which had recently been released in the world after the great summit Rio de Janeiro in 92.
been almost 15 years and certainly there is progress on the proposals in several games, but still shows a weak perception of how to articulate the issue as a real priority explicitly.
seems that the issue is not important for the candidates and the media seem to share the mistaken belief that the issue is not the voting public interest, that is not sold. Perhaps self-critically
should say that environmentalists and other people familiar with the matter have not been able to develop better strategies for advocacy for these issues are addressed in the electoral campaign with the seriousness that climate change, deforestation of forests, pollution sources water and air, and the loss of our biodiversity we urgently demand.
Government plans to weak environmental proposals
In a review (see attached table) of the government's plans of political groupings Peru Posible (PP), Force 2011 (F2011), National Solidarity (SN), Gana Peru (GP) and Alliance for the Great Change (AGC), we found that the concept of sustainable development remains a cliché in some cases and in others is not even considered, although globally there is a tremendous step forward in building and inclusion in public policy.
when one notes also the approach which includes the environmental issue is that some PB was incorporated as a watershed, ecosystem approach, with emphasis on environmental protection, while for F2011 serves only to create jobs quality, SN not prioritized and rehearse some disjointed actions, at least declaratively GP proposes it as a horizontal policy strategy development and AGC has a police emphasis is reduced to create an environmental police. Territorial
is one of the large deficits that Peru is suffering and that their absence is the source of many socio-environmental conflicts, institutional, and promoter of chaos where cities, towns and private sector development, only PP considered a priority theme and F2011 is an element for the sustainable management of extractive and productive activities for the remainder is not an issue to be addressed. Environmental Institutional
PP, F2011 and GP agree on the need to strengthen the MINAM. While AGC is sufficient to Police creating an environment. On the other hand, PP rightly proposes the need for modernization of secondments to MINAM as ANA (National Water Authority), SERFOR (Forest Service, as the authority of integrated management of forests), IMARPE, INDECI.
In the case of SN had no proposal in this regard. GP aims to generate consensus and plans to facilitate and guide market activities in general populations and sustainable policies towards the country.
Climate Change (CC)
PP is considered a priority theme and proposes a contingency plan to CC for SN is necessary to prepare with more research on vulnerability mitigation and adaptation to such changes, as well as building capacity and disseminating knowledge and information, and the same forest ecosystem management to reduce vulnerability to climate.
On the other hand aims to identify specific vulnerabilities in the country to create strategies and appropriate public policies, allowing among other things to get help from various bilateral and multilateral technical and financial cooperation as well as incorporate the DC all levels of development planning (district government, provincial and regional). Forestry Development
PP considers forest management, modern management and transformation as a priority theme, for which he proposes a forest conservation program, with the support of Amazon communities, will also promote forestry industries, timber and non-timber reforestation have a million in the Andean region for 2016 and Amazon, as well as a system of property ownership and sustainable management of the fifteen million flooded forests of the Peruvian Amazon. Meanwhile
GP proposes the conservation of Amazonian forests and reforestation of degraded forest land, others do not have a proposal in this regard. Renewables
proposed PP change the energy mix to achieve by 2016, 20% renewable energy, promoting their installation tax; F2011 promote energy efficiency and encourage diversification of the energy matrix through the development and inclusion of renewable energy. Meanwhile
SN also proposes changing the energy matrix of Peru, based on the momentum of development of available sources, renewable and sustainable, in the case of GP notes that develop renewable energy to support rural development urgently to improve quality of life, production and productivity in rural areas. Interestingly AGC does not propose anything Specifically on the subject. Water
For PP the water management and watershed-level management is a central theme and aims to develop a program of rehabilitation and cleaning of rivers and watershed management on the coast, for its part intends GP promote and invest, in partnership with the private sector, efficient and sustainable management of water resources management and ultimately arises AGC system planning watershed conservation, reforestation and other water saving in agriculture and urban consumption and plan the escalation and maintenance of coastal rivers to recharge groundwater.
Environmental Management PP
Management Program presents a comprehensive management of municipal solid waste, treatment to reduce the emission of methane and explore possibilities to achieve serious environmental service payments; by F2011 proposes to consolidate the national environmental management system that allows implementing eco-efficiency in the public sector and promote private sector incorporate effective mechanisms for citizen participation and consultation in decision-making. SN
improve systems indicates that approval of environmental impact studies with greater involvement of the authorities and political and civil society. GP finally proposes to implement an information system environment and promote environmental regulation through a national surveillance and control of markets, which could be located in the restructured INDECOPI. Biodiversity
PP proposes to value biodiversity, incorporating the assessment of natural capital in national accounts, giving them more relevant to genetic resources and international negotiations about introducing strategic proposals for the payment of environmental services Andean and Amazonian areas, and also proposes the restoration and rehabilitation of terraces and a program to protect national parks. F2011
raises the pulse a pattern of conservation and sustainable management of ecosystems through the establishment of the Payment for Environmental Services or Compensation for Ecosystem Services. Finally, GP is committed to promoting and investing, in partnership with the private sector, efficient and sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity. Environmental Citizenship
PP generally proposes strengthening the partnership between all sectors, including private and civil society, and strengthening of progress and ensuring continuity. F2011
proposes the creation of a civic conscience to care for natural resources, our culture, traditions and preserve the environment, for its part to promote GP says that indigenous communities have ensured the survival of their habitat, their forms of communal organization and the direct economic benefit with the possibility of expanding their cultural horizons and development, also, stimulate consumption patterns more friendly to the environment, a lifestyle that is sustainable ecological footprint
Finally AGC intends to strengthen the culture of the environment as part of educational training.
ecobusiness and Healthy Cities Environmental
There are some very particular issues in some groups that are outstanding, for example PP aims to boost Ecotourism Development of agro biodiversity and organic products and Aquaculture. Meanwhile
GP aims to develop healthy environmental cities, which is a major breakthrough, the issue is that it is not clear at the time of making the proposal because there is confusion on how you would in any case indicates that there will be a Ministry of Urban Development which will eventually replace the current mission and functions of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, which will encourage a concerted urban planning, strengthening local capacity, the formulation of general laws and specific technical standards for building and formalizing different types of housing and citizen participation in local development plans and plans concerted conditioning territory.
environmental agenda pending
No doubt there are a lot of work to achieve real sustainability of government plans, much more in the education of our politicians and their advisers have not given the necessary priority and urgency that have environmental problems.
However, I believe that there is a pending environmental agenda among some of the points we could propose the following:
- explicit inclusion of the principle of sustainability and its application in the set of proposals for a government plan, not just in environmental issues. Strengthening
- actual mined in political and financial weight, and reinforce its authority in the areas of control with no exceptions.
- again Creating the Environment Committee in the Congress.
- National Forest Policy and Wildlife Act and prior consultation with indigenous peoples, a total restructuring of the existing forest authority being transferred to the MINAG MinAna included.
- Territorial: commitments to immediately legislate a Bill in this regard.
- Strengthening Environmental Management System and its instruments for its implementation, particularly at local level involving skills and tools to promote community management in rural areas and neighborhood in the cities. Proposal
- concert with other sectors to address the environmental impacts of coca production and illegal logging and illegal timber trade.
- Conservation and sustainable management of our biodiversity and Peru declares the GM-free.
- Strengthening public participation in environmental policy.
- Promote policies and strategies innovative redirection of current unsustainable in other cities to sustainability that the future inhabitants of the same need for a better quality of life.
I'm sure these issues, many others may be added that will undoubtedly be very important and urgent, but it would be very important if in the remaining weeks before the April 10 elections, candidates strive to refine better explain their proposals and the country through the media very seriously and will clearly as to manage our natural resources, preserve our environment healthy and ensure their sustainability for future generations.
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