Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Shelly Martinez Jewel Denyle

By Jose Alvarez Alonso (*)
"They killed our fish and nobody does anything," complained ago days in my office Tito Julio Vásquez, a peasant from the creek Fanache, in the province of Alto Ucayali. Iquitos from commercial fishermen had used toxic and caused a high mortality of fish in the streams and SIUC Fanache in Buncuya. Don Julio told me that the affected communities (I and II Shoe Zone, Vargas Guerra, July 28 and the same Tamanca) are organizing to prevent the recurrence of these events, and have agreed to prevent access to their streams of commercial fishermen, but told me that these bad elements come with of permits from the Regional Directorate of Production and lick on the rights of communities and law.
are increasingly frequent reports on the use of toxic to fish, not just about mullein, but so dangerous pesticides such as Thiodan and Parathion. Last week I visited the office Chanchari Segundo, Ungurahual community, high Nanay, a similar story a month ago, a freezer had caused a "rotting" of fish in the Crescent Creek, a tributary of Pavaquebrada, again allegedly with Thiodan. Also last week I was looking for in Mazan, in the lower Napo, some fish to eat. "There peje" he said, "if you want chicken." I asked how could the banks of the Napo and Mazan, years ago a fishing reserve recognized by the abundance of fish, no fish could be found. "A few weeks ago Iquitos freezer boats came and poisoned with Thiodan Mazán lot of cars, made tremendous decay, far down the rotting fish. Since then, there is almost no fish, "he explained. I also reported that communities of Mazan, given the inaction of the authorities had organized to prevent the entry of commercial fishers.
The question that arises immediately is: You can not control the actions of criminals who call themselves fishermen? Here not only is a violation of the Fisheries Act, but a serious environmental crime and a crime against public health because the fish is poisoned with chemicals sold in Iquitos and its population are intoxicated. The excuse of officials of PRODUCE is known: they have no resources for the control of fishing zones. However, the most toxic fish caught with fishing nets or menuderas sold in Iquitos, and the boats out of Iquitos Prepared with its illegal and toxic arts ... Is not able to exert control at ports of Iquitos, as do authorities in Brazil and Colombia, with support from the Ecological Police, prosecutors and DIGESA?
Today we have technology and laboratories (including the IIAP, excellent) with the ability to determine whether the fish by a fishing boat docked in Iquitos is contaminated with pesticides or other poisons, which would punish this serious crime and stop a Once those who ruin the health and future of people with their criminal actions. With the new Penal Code in force since 1 January 2008, environmental crime as the use of toxic to fish are punished with heavy fines and jail time, but we have not heard of one fisherman reported for this type of crime, while the fishery resource declines year after year despite the massaged statistics - and increasing malnutrition in communities.
course can be finished with a bit of will and determination, with the scourge of toxic fishing and other destructive fishing practices: monitoring the fishing boats when they depart for not carrying anything illegal, coordinating with local authorities ( lieutenant governors, mayors, district, local) law enforcement (they have jurisdiction where no sector authorities) to monitor the landings of fish, to determine whether there has been use of toxic or prohibited fishing gear, or if they have caught smaller fish than allowed.
As regards Thiodan: In Loreto the use of pesticides for agricultural purposes is minimal, because the constant rains greatly diminished its effectiveness. I propose here to declare the pesticide Thiodan and other similar "controlled substances" so that does not allow free sale in the region, as today, to illegal and criminal use for fishing. We must also encourage organic production: Loreto agricultural products may enter market niches selected only when and maintain their green seal "free of pesticides and fertilizers."
This is not just about caring for the environment: it is a very serious toxic or networks to exterminate an entire generation menuderas fish to make a meager income by selling fish in Iquitos, but even worse is that you at risk the health of people selling contaminated fish. Organophosphate or organochlorine insecticides such as Thiodan have very harmful effects on the human body. I wonder if these murderers of fish that fishermen can not be considered and ill-officials who give consent, those fish poisoned their children, ...
The Regional Government of Loreto is pushing a strategy that could help solve the current issue of control in the use of forest resources and terrestrial and aquatic fauna: it is to delegate powers of scrutiny and oversight to local authorities from the district mayors governors, following the principle of subsidiarity. The local control (especially organized communities) has proved a highly effective method to help manage resources more sustainably Amazon. In areas where communities have been trained and empowered to manage and control their resources, significantly reduce deforestation, illegal hunting and fishing and destructive practices themselves of these villagers.
An example: a few weeks ago, two fishermen Yacapana community to fish tried to enter the gorge Yanayacu mullein in the buffer zone of the Conservation Area Regional Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo. Volunteer rangers San Juan de Yanayacu detained for monitoring gear, and found the mullein, which was seized immediately, of course ill join fishermen could not fish. Scenes like these might be common in a few months throughout the region of Loreto. Hopefully, the regional president has the support of officials in the transfer process and / or delegation of duties, and not become trapped as has occurred devolution in forestry to the region.
(*) Biologist, Researcher, IIAP.
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