AIDESEP complaint meeting records falsification of indigenous representatives and the Pres. Agricultural Commission
By: Sandro Chavez
Yesterday in the afternoon, AIDESEP reported through a public statement the President of the National Congress Land Commission, that day has circulated a forged text , undated written, alleged agreements with indigenous organizations on the 4141 bill of "Forestry and Wildlife Act."
indicate that the counterfeit text (one page) has never been made nor signed by any of the 11 people who are there, let alone the AIDESEP in fact the document that I came to my email sent General Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife MINAG signature images can be seen embedded in the cases of other signed documents, but the Congressman Anibal Huerta that his name entered is the only thing for the typeface of the text in question.
test this crude forgery, which seems to have much grip, it is tantamount to a serious crime committed not only to the President of the Agrarian Commission, but also to the Directorate General of Forestry and Wildlife, as are the have apparently been in charge of preparing the minutes and subsequent performance, damaging in this respect the good faith of the participants to the meeting of 5 and 7 March, where it could be inferred that the target would have to change some arrangements at your convenience.
"Validating their" free, prior and informed?
AIDESEP has indicated that it actually appears to be discussed and agreed, where his focus was (supported by other organizations present) to be expressed clearly in the agreement that what happened in the regions in recent months and weeks are workshops or hearings and dialogue that can not be considered as the implementation of the right to consultation and consent, which the State is obliged under the Convention 169-ILO.
denounce that when you read the draft Minutes of March 7, delegates of the Regional Organization of Aidesep Ucayali (ORAU) questioned the phrase "recognize the consultation process undertaken to date by the land commission, and requested changing" consultation "with" information sessions " . Unfortunately
falsified the text of the March 9 last, he added "free, prior and informed", an apparent attempt to validate questionable methodology, which until now has only created more of a conflict with indigenous peoples and delay in the consultation and approval of the Forestry and Wildlife Act.
Urgent investigation and punishment
makers such regrettable facts like these should be investigated to the end and punish all those who have participated in such a serious matter, especially when there is an atmosphere of little trust in what the Congress and the urgent need pass legislation as important as the Forestry and Wildlife Act, but they must first resolve properly the subject of prior consultation with indigenous peoples.
achieved by no means trust, dialogue and consensus with attitudes out of place and how are you rather learn from other committees such as the Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian, Environment and Ecology that through his presidency, he has worked Quietly make a proposal prior consultation with indigenous peoples for discussion of the law of Environmental Services, making it a participatory manner with representatives of all indigenous peoples and various sectors of civil society both in its alternative text, and the methodology consultation in a short time and with the consent of all involved will give way, we are sure to an Act of consensus and respects the rights of indigenous peoples of our country.
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