(Inforegión) The Joint Attorney-Manu Salvation made a giant operating in the basin of the Madre de Dios River and Boca del Rio Blanco, in order to intervene in illegal timber felling performing various forest species in the buffer zone Amarakaeri Reserve, located in the province Manu in Madre de Dios department.
SERNANP Peruvian and international calls as a volunteer ranger
(Inforegión) In order to promote citizen participation, create opportunities and build capacity, the National Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP) Volunteer Programs funded in the ANP. Each year hundreds of young people from all over Peru and in different countries postulate enthusiastically to these calls.
environmental topic in the 2011 elections. Notably absent from the discussions
(Servindi) by Sandro Chávez. March 25, 2011 .- In a review of government plans of political groupings Peru Posible (PP), Force 2011 (F2011), National Solidarity (SN), Gana Peru (GP) and Alliance for the Great Change (AGC ), we found that the concept of sustainable development remains a cliché in some cases
2011, International Year of Forests. Forests, Our Future
(Servindi) by Norberto Ovando. The air we breathe, food, water, medicines we need to survive, the variety of life on earth, the climate that outlines our present and future all depend on forests. Found
mercury 30 times higher than allowed in Madre de Dios
(Servindi) Expert: found worrying levels of mercury up to 30 times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization (WHO).
presented book on the Camisea Project and the extermination of peoples indigenous
Servindi, March 24, 2011 .- On Wednesday March 23 at 7:00 pm, was presented the book "Glow and Gloom? The Camisea gas project and the extermination of indigenous Peruvians by sociologist Linda Lema Tucker
It appears that MEM accept TGP expansion project that affect indigenous peoples
AIDESEP, March 24, 2011 . With the complicity of the Ministry of Energy and Mines - MEM and the Directorate General of Environmental Affairs DGAAE Energy-sector, the company Transportadora de Gas del Peru - TGP announced a new project pipeline extension as part of the transport system and that will seriously affect the indigenous peoples inhabiting the area of \u200b\u200bUrubamba, Cusco region.
peoples of Madre de Dios breathing air mixed with mercury
AIDESEP March 24, 2011. According to recent studies from different organizations and environmental agencies in the world, it was found that the air breathed by the brothers of the Amazon region of Madre de Dios contains mercury up to thirty times higher than allowed by the World Health Organization - WHO, a situation that shows that the current government does not want to run and develop plans for environmental policy, but on the contrary, the policy priority for extractive companies. TC
supports constitutional claim against emergency decrees 001 and 002
AIDESEP, March 24, 2011. The full Constitutional Court - TC admitted the claim of unconstitutionality against Emergency Decree No. 001-2011 and 002-2011, relating to the decision of government to prioritize 33 investment projects and their environmental impact studies, despite they would originate serious changes in the environment, be implemented without prior consultation with indigenous peoples and undermine the self-determination demanded by the ILO Convention 169. Natura
benefit native communities with green technologies
(El Comercio) Inputs are derived from 16 communities in the Amazon, Ecuador and Argentina
advised to limit electricity use during peak hours
(The Republic) The major cause of wasted electrical energy is caused by irrational use bad habits or inefficient facilities and equipment, said today Procobre, a network of Latin American institutions whose mission is to promote the use of copper.
die in Camelids south by cold temperatures
(The Republic) About 20 thousand young camels have died of cold temperatures and heavy rains since January in southern Peru, in the province of Caylloma, confirmed the municipal authority sector. Alternative
development environmental protection, to displace the mining claim from Piura
(CNR) - The president of the National Coordinator of the communities affected by mining (CONACAMI), Magdiel Carrion believes that the formalization of illegal mining in Piura is not the solution to this problem. Notes that if mining is formalized in this area would lead to large mining companies because almost the entire territory of neighboring His and leased out by the Ministry of Energy and Mines.

(The Mundo.es) A \u200b\u200bteam of scientists, including English Carlos Duarte, ask for a patent pool of genes sea to achieve equitable access.
genetically altered enzymes to clean oil
(BBC) Mexican scientists developed a method for cleaning oil-contaminated soil with bacteria modified proteins and DNA.
artificial A cloud from the heat of Qatar
(BBC) Amid concern about extreme heat during the World Cup in 2022, scientists developed a cloud remote to lower the temperature of the stadiums.
A 'treasure' of stone with a million years
(The Mundo.es) Rosa M. Tristan Madrid. Discover thousands of tools used by human ancestors more than a million years at a site south of India
The long emergency
(The Mundo.es) Carlos Fresneda. In a period of unrest linked to the lack of resources, natural disasters occur with increasing frequency and as quickly we forget
A saber-toothed herbivorous
(El Mundo. en) Teresa Guerrero Madrid. Found fossils of a strange herbivorous mammal with molars in his mouth and large dogs, possibly used for defense.
Japanese Prime Minister admitted that the situation of Fukushima-1 "not yet encourages optimism "
TOKYO, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) - Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, admitted Friday that the situation of the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, damaged by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, "still does not encourage optimism, although he has said that the Government is doing everything possible to prevent worsening
The 27 support the test effort for nuclear
BRUSSELS, 25 (EUROPA PRESS) - European leaders have endorsed today the completion of 'stress test' for all nuclear power plants in the territory of the Community objective of "revising" its safety and third countries have asked to join this initiative which, however, have not advanced in the criteria for resistance testing, which will remain with the European group of nuclear safety regulators .
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