(Inforegión) On Tuesday celebrated the International Day of Women, ten women will be decorated with the Order of Merit of Women 2011. " They are Renee Vera Susana Toso, Socorro Zurita Barrantes, Diana Lauran Palli, Mary Chuquimbalqui Noriega, Rosa Figueroa Concha, Rocio Alvarez Huillca, Simona Cutipa Cutida, Taculi Elvira Vergara, Ana Calderon Mendoza, Maritza Campos.
Guardians of our land
(El Comercio) Three advocates of nature conservation activities have admirable, linked to the protection of land and customs of the most emblematic areas of Peru. With great commitment, sociologist Martha Giraldo has become Suasi Island on Lake Titicaca, in an environmental paradise. With a special mystique, Olivia Sejuro painter in watercolors has perpetuated for hundreds of species of flora and fauna in Ica and contributed to its preservation. And with great independence, Leonie Lange adopts German traditions and has become the most famous midwife of Urubamba, Cusco. Establish
307 municipal environmental committees and 26 regional environmental committees in the country
(Inforegión) With In order to address environmental problems of the country, the Ministry of Environment has set up 307 municipal environmental committees and 26 regional environmental commissions. In the first, 117 correspond to the provincial municipalities and 190 to the district. Approved
EIA of mining project Bambas
(Inforegión) The Directorate General of Mining Environmental Affairs (DGAAM) of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) today approved the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) The mining project presented by the company Bambas Tintaya Xstrata SA, representing an investment of U.S. $ 4.200 billion for the region of Apurimac. Discover
partnerships between governments in favor of GM
(Inforegión) Wikileaks cables have not been exempted from the coalition deal between representatives of the biotechnology industry and the political class of the world's most influential governments. In late 2010, revealed the contents of the talks between the United States Embassy and the English government.
Wikileaks and the fox in the henhouse
(Inforegión) Wikileaks Leaks reporting that between 70% and 90% of exports of mahogany in Peru are illegal proceeds are spoiling the party the celebrations of International Year of Forests in 2011 and the World Forestry Day, 21 this month.
AIDESEP continues its campaign to presidential candidates asking if they took into account the PP.II.
AIDESEP, March 7, 2011. For the second consecutive week, the Association of Development of the Peruvian Amazon - AIDESEP published a new question for the four main presidential candidates. This time the question is will meet historical debt holder over 20 million hectares of indigenous territories continue to state discrimination?
ORPIAN proposed Forest Bill is under consultation by the new government
AIDESEP, March 7, 2011. The draft Law of Forestry and Wildlife must be submitted for consultation by the next government, said Pizango Chamik Bernardino, president of the Regional Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon in northern Peru - ORPIAN, considering that the head of state, Alan Garcia, is accelerating the adoption of this initiative without the participation of indigenous peoples.
Achuar Village present bill territorial recognition
AIDESEP March 7, 2011. The Achuar people of the Maranon Datem, Loreto region, meeting Chuintar community, agreed to submit a bill to require the Congress, recognizing the integral territory, an area that is the ancestral occupation and traditional use. The paper based its order on the Constitution, Convention 169 and the declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples of the UN.
detect illegal dredging in the Napo River
(First) The Regional Office of Energy and Mines of Loreto detected the presence of seven dredgers operating illegally on the Napo river, an activity that involves the local ecology by the pollutant.
Tumbes: Seized thousand black shells
(First) Although are closed, some irresponsible people continue to market the black shells in the city of Tumbes. In the town of Carpitas, Customs staff seized a large quantity of this product.
Deforestation increases
(First) The Environment Minister Antonio Brack warned that Peru lost annually net 150 000 hectares of forests, and to date have been burned and destroyed 10 million ha of which only 2 million are productive. Evaluate
situation of mining concessions in Madre de Dios
(El Comercio) Plan aims to formalize the miners, rather than remove

(The Mundo.es) Carlos Fresneda New York. In the women's international day, in the Green Route interview with driving the initiative to collect one million women to plant a tree each.
The elephants know how to cooperate
(BBC) Video Images an experiment with elephants elephants show that they understand when they need the help of a partner.
three-dimensional images of living cells
(BBC) Watch this video of BBC World, the stunning three-dimensional images of cells on the move.
Shanghai prepares its particular "one dog policy"
(The Mundo.es) A \u200b\u200bfrom May 15, families of the city surveyed China may have one dog to control its population credimiento.
South Africa, the cradle of modern humanity
(The Mundo.es) Rosa M. Tristan Madrid. Reveal that the Bushmen and the Hadza are remnant groups of the first modern humans who emerged in South Africa. They ask
water system involved the largest opencast mine in Europe
SEVILLA, 8 (IRIN) - The provincial Federation of Ecologists in Action has called on the Court of Instruction No. 19 Seville to "intervene" precautionary integral system of complex water 'Copper Crosses', which operates the largest open pit mine in Europe floors Gerena, Guillena and Salteras by naming any of a hydrogeologist resident outside the company.
Climate change promotes a significant reduction of 20% of forest species in Spain
MADRID, 8 (EUROPA PRESS) - Teresa Bank notes that the report will serve to plan and develop conservation policies English biodiversity
jail They call for Greenpeace activists who protested in Copenhagen
MADRID, 08 (EUROPA PRESS) - The Danish prosecutor has requested prison terms for the eleven activists of the organization Greenpeace - one of them is the promoter of Equo, Juan Lopez de Uralde - for their protest at the Copenhagen Climate Summit held in December 2009, an act for which he is accused of burglary charges , forgery and impersonation of a public official.
The European BSE epidemic increased the populations of wild birds
MADRID, 8 (IRIN) - The epidemic of mad cow disease in Europe could encourage wild bird populations North America three years later, according to a study at Trent University in Peterborough (Canada) published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences' (PNAS).
Work begins on giant hydropower in the Brazilian Amazon
(NTN24) works of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, a gigantic project in the Amazon jungle that has generated much controversy in Brazil for possible damage the ecosystem, began on Monday, officials said. Primate
filipino attempts suicide to be deprived of their liberty
(NTN24) The Philippine tarsier, one of the world's smallest primates, undergoes such stress when caged lives often ending banging his head against the bars or soaking in water to kill themselves.
China promises to reduce by between 8 and 10% in five years pollution
(NTN24) China, the world's largest emitter of carbon dioxide (that causes climate change) will reduce by between 8 and 10 percent their emissions of "major pollutants" between 2011 and 2015, said the Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao at the opening of the annual session of the NPC.
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