Humble useless recycler preserves the environment and creates jobs
(Inforegión) The experience brought from Lima, Antonio Cisneros, a clever recycling of garbage, was in his native Aguaytía, a company dedicated to the collection of useless as plastics, paper, metal cans and has allowed seven year period, generating jobs for a dozen people who pay their salaries on time and preserve the environment in their community.
detect seven dredgers operating illegally in the Napo River
(Inforegión) A technical committee of the Regional Directorate of Energy and Mines of Loreto detected the presence of seven dredgers operating illegally in the Napo River. Victor Montreiul, regional director of Energy and Mines, said it is people looking for gold in the river bottom and using dredges from the town of Mazan up the creek White Gold.
Although there is evidence of illegal logging in Padre Abad, yet there are few complaints
(Inforegión) Gustavo Diaz Oliver Armas, Executive Director in charge of the Forest and Wildlife of the Province of Padre Abad, said that although there is strong evidence of illegal logging in the area, yet very few complaints have been registered. Minam
promotes use of technology to extract gold without mercury in Madre de Dios
(Inforegión) To formalize illegal miners, the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) promote the Madre de Dios region using technologies not use mercury to extract gold, as announced by Environment Minister Antonio Brack. "We are to develop this technology GYZ Mother of God. Here we will enter with force. "
Regional Government of Junín declared an emergency districts of Rio Tambo and San Martin de Pangoa in Satipo
AIDESEP, March 9, 2011. In support and protection of indigenous Amazonian communities of the Junin region, the full Regional Council agreed to declare an emergency in the districts of Tambo and San Martin de Pangoa, located in the province of Satipo, which experienced flooding due to overflow Ene river and has left hundreds of victims, mostly indigenous brothers.
Brack minister denounced that cure is silent about the more than 90 oil spills in the river flows
AIDESEP, March 8, 2011. Association for Conservation and Development Cocama San Pablo de Tipishca - ACODECOSPAT reported that the Environment Minister Antonio Brack, environmental pollution control in a sector of the country, but nevertheless, is not pronounced in any language of more than 90 spills since 2006, who suffered the Corrientes River basin, Tigre, Pastaza, Marañón, Loreto region, "the minister would have to ask why their silence?
Call to declare intangible
Puno (The Republic) The Front for the Defence of Natural Resources raised Puno declare such intangible region to report on, exploration and exploitation of all kinds of mining and hydrocarbons.
Thirty-eight parliamentarians calling for the repeal of 001 and 002 DU
(The Republic) unconstitutional. It completed the presentation of the constitutional claim. Rep. Lesch said it was suspicious that the government wants out "Festin" projects.
Scientific research on biodiversity, water management and others can be made from Amazon
Amazonas, 08/03/2011 (CNR) - Regional President Amazon highlighted the start of the operation pilot Bongará Center built by the Institute for Sustainable Development of the National University of Amazonas in partnership with the Regional Government. Centre to allow scientific research on natural biodiversity, climate change, agricultural production, water management, among others. They also announced that an upcoming center Utcubamba be implemented then.

(BBC) About one million dead sardines literally stuck a marine Redondo Beach, Los Angeles. The authorities fear a public health problem.
accelerates loss of polar ice
(BBC) Less ice in Antarctica and Greenland could add 15 centimeters to the global average sea level by 2050, say experts.
The Senate opposes oil exploration in the Mediterranean
(The Mundo.es) The Senate has repealed the authorization of the Government to prospect for hydrocarbons in an area between Valencia and Baleares.
Saving the giant turtle in Vietnam
(The Mundo.es) The Vietnamese believe that it represents the holy spirit of the nation. After detecting that is injured, try to remove it from Hoan Kiem lake.
NASA warns that the poles melt faster than expected
(The Mundo.es) measurements indicate that this trend continues, the rise in sea level would be significantly greater than projected in 2007.
EU proposes more measures to save energy but will require adopting
(The Mundo.es) Although the goal is to improve efficiency by 20% by 2020, the EU avoids introduce binding targets for the impact on the industry.
The Congress calls for product labels to indicate their CO2 emissions
(The Mundo.es) has also urged the Government to put up with a CCAA National Quality Plan to reduce air pollution.
Honduras and Peru signed a cooperation agreement on environment
(NTN24) Honduras and Peru in Tegucigalpa on Tuesday signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation in environment allowing the exchange of experiences and development joint programs, said the Honduran Foreign Ministry. Environmentalists
considered insufficient by the European Commission proposal to reduce CO2 in 2050
(NTN24) Environmental organizations on Tuesday rejected the measures proposed by the European Commission (EC) to achieve a low-carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in 2050 on the grounds that they are insufficient to prevent global average temperature rises above two degrees Celsius.
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