debates (Fourth Environment) By: Sandro Chávez. If we review the Government plans JNE officially presented in the first five political parties or alliances (as the main survey) involved in the General Election of 2011 in Environment, we find once again the weakness of this issue in most proposals
Candidates seek to counter effects of climate change in Peru
(Inforegión) The five leading presidential candidates include measures to protect the ecosystem from pollution and to counter predation the effects of climate change. So in their government's plans include proposals to take care of the flora, fauna, forests, rivers and sea.
incompatible use of the hammock in 71 protected areas
(Inforegión) The use of fishing gear called hammock is inconsistent within the 71 natural protected areas and buffer zones as established by Presidential Resolution No. 038-2011-SERNANP, published in the Bulletin of Legal Rules, the Official Journal El Peruano.
MINAM award for best environmental research
(Inforegión) awards totaling $ 50 000 receive the annual winners of the Environmental Research recently convened by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) aims to encourage the development of research projects relevant to the environmental sector and have a positive impact on knowledge generation to support decisions of public bodies and private.
sacrifice wild animals, dissected and sell it to tourists (video)
(Inforegión) unscrupulous sellers of commercial establishments in the first block of Jiron Lamas, in Tingo Maria, not just selling exotic drinks and crafts of the forest but also stuffed wild animals.
FENAMAD coordinate actions to counteract effects of mining projects, IIRSA and hydrocarbon
AIDESEP, March 16, 2011. The Native Federation of Madre de Dios - FENAMAD reported that the organizations in the region committed themselves at the meeting held on 12 and 13 March, urging coordinated action to take for mining, hydrocarbons, IIRSA Inambari hydroelectric, REDD or environmental services, Forest Law and Wildlife, no prior consultation affecting indigenous peoples and respect their decisions.
Launch program for marsh
(El Comercio) trained three thousand entrepreneurs in eco-efficient practices to reduce pollution
Lack of rain will continue in the coming days
(El Comercio) Northern supports a deficit of precipitations recorded seven years
Ica ran out of the garbage dump, and residents fear
diseases (El Comercio) Residents of the village of Comatrana blocked the trucks that would produce waste
Government change parameters to define small-scale mining
(El Comercio) Osinergmin monitors only 7% and the rest is the responsibility of regional governments
Huarangal Abandonment
(First) The population living in areas near the nuclear reactor Huarangal in Carabayllo, has been ignored by the authorities of the Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute (IPEN), because they are not considered for evacuation tests against damage in that structure.
protect biodiversity program
(First) Authorities of the four countries of the Andean Community members met Monday and Tuesday at the headquarters of the Andean organization in Lima, to install the Steering Committee and agree the work plan for implementing the Regional Programme on the Use and Conservation of Biodiversity Associated Ancient Andean Highway.
Yanacocha are asked to reopen trial
(First) The inhabitants of the town of Cajamarca Choropampa arrived to study with various lawyers, the possibility of reopening the trial they had against the Yanacocha mine in 2000 , considering that the awards they received were not the most appropriate.

(The Mundo.es) Today is the central key to Fukushima. O TEPCO reactors able to control the damage, "3 to 4 - or the situation is extremely serious. This has been assured this morning a spokesman for the company by stating that the reactor No. 3 has that cool "today."
attempts by land and air to get cool the reactor 3 of Fukushima
Tokyo, March 17 (EFE) .- Military helicopters and trucks today threw tons of seawater in a desperate attempt to cool the reactor number 3 Fukushima Plant (northeastern Japan), emitting high levels of radiation.
20 people are already affected by radiation from Fukushima
(Mundo) This was announced by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Japan: the truth and falsehood of "anti-radiation pills"
(BBC) In the midst of the Japanese nuclear crisis in several countries have sparked panic buying of potassium iodide tablets. How and when protected from radiation?
monkeys recognize their friends in photos
(BBC) A study by German researchers claims that macaque monkeys recognize other when seen in photographs.
The older elephants are wiser
(BBC) One study found that herds of elephants follow older females to fend off potential predators.
The earthquake in Japan could have shortened the duration of each year
(The Mundo.es) would have been shortening the diameter of the Earth after the earthquake in Japan could cut the country tenths of a second year or seconds, depending AEMET.
'renewables needed to begin to give and take away votes "
(The Mundo.es) The president of the association of producers of renewable, José María González Vélez, talked about different energy sources.
keywords to understand the nuclear disaster
(The Mundo.es) Miguel G. Corral Madrid. A brief glossary of nuclear energy to better understand the key central accident occurred after the earthquake Fukushima.
Oettinger says that "not all European plants will pass the tests"
Paris, March 17 (EFE) .- The EU Energy Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, said today that not all European nuclear power plants will spend the endurance of the European Union because it does not meet the most stringent safety criteria.
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