( Inforegión) Justice is unrelenting struggle against illegal forest species. This time limited subpoena issued against a man identified as Saturnino Huaraya Yupanqui, 37, who is accused of having committed any crime against the natural environment in its form of illegal wood products.
So far there are no orders to formalize informal miners of Madre de Dios
(Inforegión) Fifteen days after it signed an agreement to stop the rise of mining in Madre de Dios in order to formalize the informal mining so far there is no order to formalize these activities.
Promote reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste throughout the country
(Inforegión) Thanks to an agreement between the International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Ministry of Environment (MINAM), 15 Peruvian participated in a month and a half in a course on solid waste management in the eastern country. From what has been learned, they are charged with promoting what is known as the "three R's: reduce, reuse and recycle. Oil
environmental impact study presents exploration wells in the Amazon
(Inforegión) The company Maruel Et Prom Peru SAC sustained the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the proposed drilling of two exploration wells from the platform DOM-1, Lot 116, in the district of Nieva, Condorcanqui province, Amazonas region.
Minister of Environment reports on issues mining in Madre de Dios
(Inforegión) The Environment Minister Antonio Brack, reported in the Congress on the impact of informal mining in Madre de Dios. "Every year we throw 42 000 kilos of mercury in the rivers of the region and Lower Tambopata Madre de Dios. Today, the 31 eco-lodges devoted to ecotourism are threatened. " ORAU
created new checkpoint upriver Callería for patrolling the reserve Isconahua
AIDESEP, March 17, 2011. Regional organization AIDESEP Ucayali - ORAU, in coordination with the FECONAU base, within the framework of the program for indigenous peoples in isolation and initial contact - PIAV, built a new checkpoint and surveillance for Isconahua land reserve, it is located in High River Callería live in a place where a group of descendants of our indigenous brothers Isconahua that last year were taken forcibly by missionaries and abandoned to their fate.
In joint action, seize more than four thousand pieces of illegal timber in the area of \u200b\u200bContamana
AIDESEP, March 17, 2011. In a joint action with the Amazonian indigenous communities, the regional program of Forest Management Wildlife and Contamana reported that he made a great speech to illegal loggers in the river basin Pisqui, achieving seize more than 4 billion pieces of wood species Shihuahuaco, Capirona, Lupuna, Catahua, Cumala, UBOS, Copaiba and Pachachà.
More than 2 000 gold miners produce ecological
(The Republic) Producers. Responsible mining in Ayacucho and Arequipa. Seven associations are exporting this matter through fair trade. Recognize
Regional Conservation Areas in Tumbes and Loreto
(The Republic) The Council of Ministers adopted new Regional Conservation Areas in Tumbes and Loreto, which will ensure the protection of important water sources for local populations.
declare emergency coastline by sea erosion Trujillo
(El Comercio) are asked to remove sand from the port of Salaverry to take to the beach. In the past 30 years, lost 100 meters from shore along the 22 km
mining Comuneros take
(First) A group of residents from the town center Santa Ana took last night facilities Corporación Minera San Genaro Castrovirreyna SA to reject the constant pollution of Lake Choclococha, the main tributary of the area with mine tailings.

(BBC) Nuclear power was seen as a way to fight climate change. After the disaster of Fukushima, what are the energy alternatives?
Japan raised the alert level at Fukushima nuclear
(Mundo) Keep up the cooling system.
sanitize (BBC) A scientific study proves that the sharks rely on "cleaner fish" when bathing.
English forests are valued at 16,500 million euros, according to foresters
MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) - The English forests are worth approximately 16,500 million euros, through a range of services offered to the public - water, carbon capture and hunting, among others - according to a calculation of the College of Engineers.
Forestry companies highlighted in the World Forestry Day on forest growth of 19% fixed CO2
MADRID, 18 (EUROPA PRESS) - The National Association of Forest Companies (ASEMFO) has highlighted the occasion of World Forestry Day is celebrated on March 21 that the net growth of forests 19 percent fixed emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) as natural heritage conservation mitigates climate change.
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