AIDESEP, March 9, 2011. The AIDESEP reported that the President of the National Congress Land Commission, today circulated a forged text without written date of alleged agreements with indigenous organizations on the 4141 bill of "Forest and Wildlife Act, which passed to rectify and clarify. Also, to reiterate our alternatives to the content of that project and how the call goes through "consultation."
Wikileaks confirms the institutional crisis of forest which until now have the Peru
(Inforegión) The forest Wikileaks realizes American diplomatic cables sent in 2006, appeared last week, the Peruvian Government was aware that between 70 and 90% of its exports timber came from illegal logging but took no action to try to end this situation.
SPDA: lack of clarity in antidraga operating agreement (video)
(Inforegión) For the executive director of the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law (SPDA), Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, it is unclear whether the Government, with the agreement adopted in Madrid of God, is crippling the operations or if you are actually giving you a chance to Regional Government to regularize informal mining. Evaluate
tourist overflow danger Laguna Los Milagros in Aucayacu
(Inforegión) Rulers of the Committee on Environment and Tourism and technical management sub Environmental Management and Civil Defense of the provincial municipality of Leoncio Prado , inspected the vulnerabilities of the 52 hectares of water surface of Lake "Miracles" to the imminent danger of an overflow due to the torrential rains that fall in the area and deforestation in their areas of forest.
Clarifications concerning the "explanatory resolution" of the TC on the validity of the ILO Convention 169
AIDESEP, March 10, 2011. In the article entitled When did the state's duty to consult indigenous peoples in Peru? "Since 2010, since 1995, or from even earlier?, Marco Huaco, a research fellow South Cooperation Programme Tricontinental the Latin American Social Sciences Council (CLACSO), an account of the Peruvian legislation on the right of indigenous peoples their ancestral lands.
Peru: Environment Forgot
(Servindi) By Pedro Francke. The environmental agenda is conspicuous by its absence in the campaign, although we have as very serious environmental problems
Doe Run is a lobby for legal battle against Peru
(The Republic) face legal battle Peruvian government serious environmental damage in La Oroya , the Renco Group's Ira Rennert billionaire, owner of Doe Run, brought lobby Washington with eight companies . Questioned
dredging operation against
(The Republic) in the congress. Reject violence and call for more solutions. Ministers of Environment, Interior and Defense to respond by operating committee chaired by Washington Zeballos.
Ombudsman's Office reported 234 social conflicts in February
(El Comercio) 48% of the crisis response to social and environmental issues, the report
presented a proposal to expand the Camisea gas pipeline
(El Comercio) The Gas Transportation Project has no impact on the sanctuary Megantoni
Questioned weak actions of Minam
(First) According to a report World Bank the cost of environmental degradation in Peru amounts to 3.9% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). So how much has it cost the collapse of tailings Girl Flows in the rivers of Huancavelica or years of pollution Corrientes, Pastaza and Marañón by the oil companies? How much is the Mother of God or La Oroya and damage to health caused by Doe Run? How much environmental liabilities five thousand miners scattered around the country, "stresses CooperAcción specialist, José De Echave. They ask
investigate new Camisea pipeline ruptured
(The First) A group of residents of the area Manugali, Echarate district, asked investigating the Transportadora de Gas del Peru (TGP) for lead and arsenic contamination in the rivers, which have been caused by the rupture of pipelines and a new filtration of this oil.

(Servindi) Image of the Meeting of Women and Climate Change in February 2010, where he planned the VI Servindi
Continental Meeting, March 10, 2011 .- As part of the Sixth Meeting of Indigenous Women's Continental, the peoples' representatives agreed on the important role that indigenous women in the planning of policies to curb climate change
Argentina: "Monsanto has a total disregard for the quality of life of people"
(Servindi) Dr. Horacio Lucero, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology UNNE. Chaco
Day, March 10, 2011 .- The head of the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Northeastern University was concerned at the lobby that made the multinational pesticide manufacturer to install the GM cotton in Chaco Argentina
ago accounts of the rivers of ice
(BBC) Argentina is preparing to conduct the first national inventory of glaciers, seeking protection from the effects of mining.
The secret behind the kangaroo hop
(BBC) Scientists are using new technologies to try to understand why this animal jumps like no other without spending too much energy.
Christensen believes that politicians have failed in the fight against climate change
Valencia, 10 feb (EFE) .- The model and photographer Helena Christensen has lamented Today political leaders have missed a "truly extraordinary opportunity to mark a turning point" in the fight against climate change in the two "failed" climate summit held in Copenhagen and Cancun. Greenpeace
four tons of waste deposited in front of Environment
Madrid, 10 feb (EFE) .- Greenpeace activists today have placed 4,000 kilos of waste outside the Ministry of Environment to require changing the Bill of waste and contaminated soils, sent last Friday by the Council of Ministers to Parliament for its passage.
UNEP warns of the "collapse" of bee colonies
MADRID, 10 (EUROPA PRESS) - The United Nations Programme for Environment (UNEP) has warned about the "collapse" of bee colonies the world as a result of the use of harmful pesticides, air pollution and climate change, among other factors, ie a food safety risk, as reported by the agency.
Erin Brockovich revives the case of pollution that took his life to film
(The Mundo.es) Henar Mejías Madrid. The woman Julia Roberts in interptetó in film now reveals that the water in the village on the film remains contaminated.
The butterfly paradise
(The Mundo.es) Natalia Puga Pontevedra. In A Xunqueira de Alba, in Pontevedra, 43 species of butterflies live, rather than all the Atlantic Islands.
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