AIDESEP, March 15, 2011. The Bishop of San José del Amazonas, Monsignor Alberto Campos OFM, said that the future ruler of the country must be "no excuses" that the mining, oil and gas and forest meet national environmental standards and must honor the commitments they signed with the indigenous peoples, a practice that over the past five years has not been met
In Tingo Maria initiate activities for World Water Day
(Inforegión) In order to raise awareness of the importance of water for living, several local institutions, led by the Local Water Management (ALA), today kicked off a series of activities which aims to celebrate World Water Day, established on 22 March each year by the Organization of the United Nations.
Ucayali regional ranking leader in improved environmental performance
(Inforegión) Economist Dennis Pereyra Ucayali highlighted the fact that is in first place in the ranking of the Ministry of Environment in regard to "Departments with better environmental performance 2008. " The score obtained is 10.46 while Loreto achieved 10.32 and is in second place, and occupies 10.30 Ica the third. Alleged
wood dealer was jailed in Puerto Maldonado
(Inforegión) An alleged drug dealer was admitted wood at the San Francisco de Asis, Puerto Maldonado, because he was found driving a truck with 8.134 lupuna board feet. The red vehicle is a Volvo and XH-5149 board.
Minera Yanacocha tried to hide the impact of acid water spill
AIDESEP, March 15, 2011. The regional government of Cajamarca Yanacocha mining company reported that tried to hide the impact of acid water spill, which occurred on February 17 in the village Aliso Colorado and produced by the breakdown in pipes carrying them affecting Quishuar irrigation canal and reached the Quebrada Encajón, which is used for city drinking water. However, the mining company realized the break a week later.
culminate study genetic variability of river shrimp
(El Comercio) Bad practices have made the variety of the species is minimal

(Servindi) Rolando Vargas, an adviser to the Association Indigenous Forestry (AFIN), says that according to reports from Control Authority Forests and Lands (ABT) approximately one million hectares would be under community forest management throughout the country.
World: alarm about the dangers to health and environmental impacts of nuclear energy
(Servindi) In the nuclear emergency situation arise Japan living questions about the risks of using this type of energy, especially referrals to health and the environment. One of the main dangers is radiation, which harmfully affects the body and damage the soil.
radioactive Alert Japan
(Mundo) mobilize local and foreign south of Tokyo.
The Millennium tsunami
(BBC) A power tsunami that struck Japan on Friday only occurs once every 1,000 years, according to a renowned seismologist.
The largest waterfall in Ecuador competes with hydroelectric
(BBC) The construction of a dam on the river Coca could jeopardize one of the iconic waterfalls in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
naval maneuvers disturb the whales
(BBC) Beaked whales or beaked whales family feel disturbed by the sonar waves, says a scientific study.
The nuclear threat triggers the revisions in the central and paralyzes the new plans
International Writing, March 16 (EFE) .- The nuclear threat by the plight of the central Fukushima, after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan last Friday, has triggered the safety reviews of nuclear plants in the world and has led some countries to halt their plans.
The IAEA warned two years ago to Japan of nuclear risk if he suffered earthquakes
London, March 16 (EFE) .- The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) warned two years ago the Government of Japan of the risk that its nuclear plants will not hold large earthquakes, according to diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks and disseminated by the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. "
The central Fukushima, out of control
(The Mundo.es) computer system to measure the spread of radioactivity stops working. It is estimated that 70% of nuclear fuel rods are damaged.
Narbonne: 'Nuclear energy is not sustainable response '
(The Mundo.es) Carlos Fresneda New York. The former Minister of Environment is involved today in the UN General Assembly as a member of the panel of global sustainability
Tomorrow will mobilizations in 20 English cities
(The Mundo.es) Ecologists in Action in solidarity with Japanese and warns of the "potential risk" in several English plants.
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